Hi Arturo, Am Montag, 22. August 2005 14:44 schrieb Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman: > People, I'm looking for a restricted irc client so I can provide an > outside user access to an IRC network. So, this guy would ssh/telnet to me, > and having hisuser set to an irc-client shell, automatically get the irc > client executed. So, why I need a restricted client (or sandbox/cage) is > now obvious. I've thought of different methods, but all of them have flaws > in my head, and I need your advice here. Do you realy need ssh/telnet? What about CGI:IRC[1]? It is a very flexible IRC-client written in perl for use on a homepage. In case of a consolebased IRC-client you might want to look at irssi[2], which is very powerfull, but I realy don't know if it is possible to restrict commands. To restrict them for gaining access to the rest of the filesystem you can use a chroot environment, I think there must be many howtos describing this case. HTH Tim [1] http://cgiirc.sourceforge.net/ [2] http://www.irssi.org/ -- http://we-are-teh-b.org/~tim/