thanks guys

I'm installing openvz now , but how to configure the openvz kernel configure file for myself requirements?

When I just changed the cpu type in original configure file which was downloaded from the .
and almost of drivers had be marked Modules by default in it .

but when I use the new openvz-kernel to boot up my computer , it displays can't mount the "root"
and the root is not a block device (0,0)

but when I configure the kernel by hands , in the other words , it's that I cancel all the drivers that I don't need , only choose the ones I want , and include them in kernel ,not by Modules . But when I make the new kernel it throw out many errors , almost of them are saying some xxxxx is not defined in xxxxxx

who has any ideas about it ?

Thanks in advance~~~

On 6/21/07, Marius Mauch < > wrote:
On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 15:07:42 +0800
"Squall Liu" <> wrote:

> hi Sune
> I'm sorry to heard about this  -_-!..
> It seems that I can't enjoy the kvm on gentoo right now ?

It just means that it currently isn't available in the main repository.
You can still install the userspace tools manually, get an ebuild
from the referenced bug or even write your own (that's what I did).

I assume the main reason why it hasn't been added yet is because most
people wait for the kvm support to be merged back into qemu,
unfortunately there is no deadline for that (I'd guess they want to
fix the gcc-4 problems first).

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