Unfortunately it seems not have worked.  'nm -D /usr/lib64/libpynac.so.1.1.0 | grep ZTVN5GiNaC9containerISt6vectorEE' still just returns nothing.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 1:02 PM, François Bissey <frp.bissey@gmail.com> wrote:
Well first emerge penal with “-fno-fat-lto-objects” and inspect libpynac.so
for the symbol.


> On 26/11/2014, at 19:28, François Bissey <frp.bissey@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think I will ping pynac upstream to see if they have any idea but I think
> it may be a recurring gcc or a subtle abuse of C++. It would be interesting to see
> if putting -fno-fat-lto-objects would with getting the symbol in pynac. There are
> other things ‘i can think off that may work but need to consult upstream and
> people who know more c++.
> François
>> On 26/11/2014, at 18:57, Jeramia Poland <jeramia.poland@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The output of
>> nm -D /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/pynac.so | grep
>> ZTVN5GiNaC9containerISt6vectorEE
>> is:
>> U _ZTVN5GiNaC9containerISt6vectorEE  (with the ZTVN part showing up in red)
>> The output of
>> nm -D /usr/lib64/libpynac.so.1.1.0 | grep ZTVN5GiNaC9containerISt6vectorEE
>> is:
>> (nothing it appears to be missing)
>> Output of the third command is attached.  The -ffat-lto-objects flag should be in there.  I added after the first couple of packages (like pciutils, elfutils, openssh, etc.) wouldn't build to see if it would help so I didn't have to use the "no-lto" environment setting from that graphite and lto instruction page I referenced earlier.  It didn't see to work as I now have a package.env file full of no-lto entries. Neither sage nor pynac are no-lto entries right now as it appeared to me that they merged.
>> Jeramia
>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 2:43 AM, François Bissey <frp.bissey@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think I have all the logs I can use at the moment. I want the output of the
>> following two commands:
>> nm -D /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/pynac.so | grep
>> ZTVN5GiNaC9containerISt6vectorEE
>> nm -D /usr/lib64/libpynac.so.1.1.0 | grep ZTVN5GiNaC9containerISt6vectorEE
>> Actually make that 3 commands with the output of
>> readelf -d /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/pynac.so
>> Also to cross check that I am not missing anything fro your info output,
>> I cannot see "-ffat-lto-objects" anywhere in your compilation flags.
>> Is this correct?
>> Francois
>> On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:05:42 François Bissey wrote:
>>> Hum I am starting to wonder if there are things going on between lot and C++
>>> templates. More professional code may do ok but a lot of the stuff we have
>>> in sage may be a bit dubious. Can you send me the penal build log please
>>> and for good measure the one for sage. You can do it privately if you don’t
>>> want to post big file on the list.
>>> I have been free of grading for almost 4 years. My wife is very happy about
>>> that.
>>> François
>>>> On 24/11/2014, at 17:12, Jeramia Poland <jeramia.poland@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sorry for the delayed reply, I had a bunch of papers to grade. Yes, it is
>>>> installed. Attached are the lld results. Jeramia
>>>> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 1:20 AM, François Bissey <frp.bissey@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote: I hate automated spellchecking, I meant pynac not “penal” I
>>>> remember turning it off on an iPad after a ludicrous suggestion for
>>>> lapack.
>>>> François
>>>>> On 22/11/2014, at 15:33, François Bissey <frp.bissey@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I assume penal is installed otherwise
>>>> <lib_link_1.txt><lib_link_2.txt>
>> <readelf.txt>