It works, my job here is done. Oh, except for: -documentation (this is one i basically *need* to do) -outputting real, physical instead of the symlinks i'm doing right now -generate ebuild cache -test loads and loads and loads of packages (help wanted) Again, quickly a guide to use my project: -Install layman from the kuroo overlay and g-cran from the science overlay -Save the attached repositories.xml to /var/lib or whatever -Add file:///var/lib/repositories.xml to "overlays" in /etc/layman/layman.cfg -layman -a CRAN (or the two bioconductor repositories, which are in repositories.xml as well) -emerge -av dev-R/zoo (just one of the many packages in CRAN) I spent some time helping wiktor prepare g-pear for g-common too, so keep track of his work if you're interested in PEAR. Have fun!