Hi, is it finally possible to someone put new ebuild for openib-mvapich2, i send my ebuild for this package below, it works well, one think maybe is to add USE flag for SDR or DDR infiniband, and register mvapich2 in virtual-mpi as one of the 'official' mpi's to select? it is easy i think and no effort (just add sys-cluster/openib-mvapich2 as a RDEPEND) also there's something wrong with this new package responsible for programs such as ibdiagnet ibtrace... , paths are wrong, emerge installs these into /usr/bin but when i start those programs, they are looking for others in /usr/local/bin.. need to be fixed openib-mvapich2.ebuild attachment: -- Dept of Computational Biophysics & Bioinformatics, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, ul. Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Krakow, Poland. Tel: (+48-12)-664-6380