On 14:22 Fri 17 Dec , Christopher Schwan wrote: > Mpir's configure scripts looks like its adding "-Wl,-z,noexecstack" if it > detects a gcc+x86/amd64 configuration - so I guess noexecstack should work out > of the box. If it does not I would consider this as broken. Yes, I saw that. The configure method fails directly, it just does *not* add the ldflag (at least when configure is run by portage). I also tried to add "-Wl,-z,noexecstack" via append-ldflags, and it is indeed appended as visible in the compile output, but the exec stacks are still there and the QA warning comes up, so I guess we can consider this broken and stick with your solution of patching the asm (which sill works fine) Cheers, Thomas -- Thomas Kahle http://dev.gentoo.org/~tomka/