2006-06-27, Alexandre Buisse sanoi, jotta: > On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 16:16:58 +0200, Flammie Pirinen wrote: > > I’d assume that the mentoring and > > becoming a developer process for me will not be much different than > > anyone else. > > If you don't me having only a remote interest and no real experience > in the field of linguistic software (well, I did some formal language > and grammar stuff, but nothing related to natural language), I could > mentor you. Ah, I think georges has also suggested to mentor me? Either ways is fine with me of course. I don’t know everything that mentoring process for ebuild developers contains, but I don’t think it requires mentor to have thorough understanding of mentee’s software as such? As long as you are able to see that my ebuilds do not destroy everyone’s computers, it should be fine, shouldn’t it?-) -- Flammie, Gentoo Linux Documentation’s Finnish head translator and FlameEyes’ bot .