Hi George! I am one of the developers of the IT++ library of mathematical, signal processing, speech processing, and communications classes and functions: http://itpp.sourceforge.net/ Some time ago I prepared an ebuild for this library. Today, I posted a bug report with this ebuild (no. 120163) to the Gentoo bugzilla. For some time, I have been following one of the thread in bugs.gentoo.org concerning BLAS and LAPACK libraries in Gentoo. There I found your e-mail address, so I am writing this e-mail to you :) Since the IT++ is a scientific library, and it is related to the BLAS, ATLAS and LAPACK libraries, I was wondering if you can maintain this ebuild in the portage tree. Of course, I would post any further updates and fixes related to this package to the bugzilla in future. However, I have no write access to the Gentoo ebuild repository, so I look for someone to help with this. Look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, /ediap -- -=#=- Adam Piątyszek - "ediap" -=#=- Linux ID: #204648 -=#=- -=#=- ediap (at) et.put.poznan.pl -=#=- JID: ediap (at) chrome.pl -=#=- -=#=- http://ediap.prv.pl/ -=#=- GG: 1157376 -=#=- -=#=- PGP key ID: 0x341E22F0 -=#=- ICQ: 3303291 -=#=-