On Sunday 27 November 2005 22:11, George Shapovalov wrote: > Hi Marcus. > > Thanks for picking this up! > I did not realise we did not have kpl, gun/labplot and others under some > sci category yet, so I think this would be nice to do indeed. > Just one suggestion: > all the sci-* categories are in fact full words and not shorthands, so it > would make sense to make this a full word too. Something like > sci-visualization or sci-plot. Yeah - I have to admit I favour the shorter category names personally. If we are going to use a long one then I think it should be sci-visualisation (or I guess the American spelling sci-visualization) to keep it more general. There any quite a few apps that deal with visualisation such as gwyddion and some of the molecule rendering packages. It was intended mainly for the plotting packages that are mostly in media-gfx right now. I wasn't so sure on the long versus short, but if that is a policy we have as a herd I will stick to it. > > Oh, another one. When you submit the proposal to -dev it will be nice to > include an estimate of how many other plotting/graphing packages we have > lined up in bugzilla. Not that it makes it any stronger with the list of 16 > already in portage :), but still is nice to have.. > There are quite a few possibles - I was going to look at drawing up a list of some of them. I am sure I won't catch them all though. -- Gentoo Linux Developer Scientific Applications | AMD64 | KDE | net-proxy