Hi Christopher, Since sage-on-prefix is semi-official I though I would indicate an issue I encountered in installing Sage from sage-on-gentoo in a prefix on Debian Linux. When building sympow (sympow-1.018.1_p8-r1) the Debian system gcc compiler was being used instead of the Prefix gcc. This was because sympow provides in Configure a whichexe() function with hard-coded search paths. The easiest thing for me was to add: # fix EPREFIX in whichexe() function sed -i -e "s:-f \/bin:-f ${EPREFIX}\/bin:" \ -e "s:echo \/bin:echo ${EPREFIX}\/bin:" \ -e "s:\/usr:${EPREFIX}\/usr:g" \ Configure || die "failed to fix EPREFIX in whichexe()" to src_prepare(). I didn't think about it until just recently, but perhaps the hard-coded paths could be removed so the prefix/gentoo system 'which' is used. Steve