François, On 10/17/2010 04:39:12 PM, François Bissey wrote: > Hi, > > I think I found the root cause of the problem. sympy's > has the following line: > > import sympy > > it is the line triggering everything. I don't know if it calls the already > installed system sympy or the build copy (but I could find out). > The matter is it is reproducible by just opening a python2.6 shell > and typing "import sympy" and you will get the same message. > Try "import mpmath" and you will get the exact same error. This is > because the problem comes from mpmath and in the case of sympy > the copy of mpmath that is shipped with it. > Here I get the KeyError: 'DOT_SAGE' when I import sympy from a python shell on a machine where sage-4.6.alpha3 is installed but not from one where sage-4.5.3 is installed. However, installs of 4.6.alpha3 and 4.5.3 both exhibit the error when ebuild compile is issued. Steve