Hi: I had apparently installed the Sage-provided scripts sage-g77_shared sage_fortran when Sage was under /opt to get some fortran functionality from within the notebook. Of course that functionality is missing with Sage under /usr. Both scripts are needed. See, from the notebook, Help -> Fast Static Versions -> Numerical Sage -> f2py for a cut-N-paste example. This example is included (command line version) in inline_fortran.py, the InlineFortran class under site-packages/sage/misc. The sage-g77_shared script calls sage_fortran and sage-g77_shared is hardcoded in the InlineFortran class. I suppose it is somewhat awkward to have these two scripts, but thought I would point out that some functionality is missing without them. Perhaps there is a better way, without messing around with the InlineFortran class, to achieve the same result. Steve