Christopher, The follow probably only applies to amd64. Sage will not install with the subject ebuilds. The "sage -c" during postinstall fails because the files /opt/sage/local/lib/sage-flag.txt /opt/sage/local/lib/sage-current-location.txt cannot be written since /opt/sage/local/lib doesn't exit. I suppose the files are needed. One can create the symlink lib -> lib64 if lib is needed or whatever. Even if this is fixed "sage -c" fails because the amd64-hack patch does't take. The spkg-install is bypassed with the sage-core ebuild. I tried a variety of things to get Sage to install and adding append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing to the sage-core ebuild works here. I'm not sure of the impact on ~x86 or ~pcc. Steve