Hi, My comments about the candidate release features: -2.6 based system w/ udev Every ppc livecd kernel is 2.6 based. udev is untested. No time to test before release. -better smp kernel support The smp kernel on 2004.1/x86 is the only one that boots my virtual pc. No problems on PPC. Please try not to generalize problems. -boot time dmesg saving support (save it to a file, /root/dmesg perhaps?) You're not serious about "/root/dmesg", are you? -manpages linked from the handbook (man2html?) or man in stage1 man on livecd: yes (man in stage1: no (no ufed in stage1 either) -portage package that contains release spec files emerge catalyst? -DVD iso Every user who sends me an empty DVDR gets one by regular email. -X livecd An experimental one is scheduled for 2004.2 -portage rewrite in C This is without doubt the worlds worst candidate release feature request list I've seen. Best regards, Pieter Van den Abeele On 10 May 2004, at 16:53, John Davis wrote: > <2004.2_request.txt>