Hi, I was put in contact with John Davis about a week ago concerning an issue i'm having with the 2004.2 livecd. After some research, it appears to be a re-emergence of a previously reported problem. See bug id 42345. Initially I thought it was accessibility related (I use speakup), but the problem occurs whether or not speakup is on. Details: I have a p4 3.4 (northwood) Asus p4c800-e deluxe mobo with 1gb RAM (matched pc-3200 in a dual channel memory configuration). evga fx5900-vivo video card, Seagate s-ata (internal), and an external USB drive bay with a Maxtor 40gb hd. Sony dvd and sony cd-rw drives (hdc and hdd respectively). Upon boot with the smp kernel (2.6.7-gentoo-r11) I have an unconfigured eth0 (onboard Intel e1000 csa 82547). When I run net-setup I get a kernel panic. The "helpfull" error msg is "n interrupt not synching". I lose keyboard control, etc and only the reset button works. The 2.4.26-gentoo-r6? kernel works fine and properly configures the network adapter. I have loaded the system with 2.4.26-gentoo-r9 compiled for SMP support and other than issues relating to booting from a USB external hd, the system seems to be stable. I am however having to insmod usb-storage and rerun devfsd /dev -np in order for the hd to be recognized and root of /dev/sda1 to be loaded. At some point i'll mod the linuxrc to do this automagically. 2.6.8-gentoo-r3 is not yet functional, but this may relate to devfs/udev (i.e. user failure) and I simply haven't had time to gather all relevant information and throughly test. At this point I haven't gotten the system fully configured, but I think i'm far enough along to provide logs from the 2.6.7 boot, although logging the panic is beyond my technical skills (I make a decent monkey though, so if you tell me what to type where i'll give it a try). In particular, if I can redirect the log to my hd along with any crash dump i'm more than willing to. Regards, Cecil Whitley