Paul de Vrieze wrote: > On Saturday 24 September 2005 08:14, Mike Rosset wrote: > >>It was a dicussion, you kicked me because you didnt agree. I cant >>resolve my issue if I cant discuss it. >> >>It was actually a simple request, I have decided to forgo ever getting >>this spec file any time soon. and will create my own. Which it sounds >>like I'll replace later anyways... seems pointless >> >>But I really dont see how you can expect people to give quality >>debugging feed back when no help is returned, for projects that are >>using your project. >> >>I dont care about politics, I'm not a lawyer I was wrong to bring up >>GPL . I'm just trying to keep conformed to the "gentoo-installer" cd. >>haveing the spec file makes that alot easier. > > > Please guys, > > Gentoo is made for users too. Don't be overly protective, but find honour > in the fact that he chooses to use gentoo and the installer project to > base his work on. You should help him, and inquire what the project is > about. If he finishes you might even ask whether you can showcase it. > Possibly even leading to an article on newsforge (or other newssite) > leading for POSITIVE publicity for gentoo. Not kick people out of IRC > channels only if they don't agree with you. And indeed the GPL does not > make you release the spec file. The open nature of gentoo should. Its sad. This is the second time I've hear of folks going into the installer channel asking them about things/offering help and suggestions, then getting kicked and flamed. It has certainly put a black eye on the installer project from my point of view. Seems like they are more afraid of someone else coming up with a better idea that having an *open* view on the project. -- Lance Albertson Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager --- GPG Public Key: Key fingerprint: 0423 92F3 544A 1282 5AB1 4D07 416F A15D 27F4 B742 ramereth/