It was a dicussion, you kicked me because you didnt agree. I cant resolve my issue if I cant discuss it.

It was actually a simple request, I have decided to forgo ever getting this spec file any time soon. and will create my own. Which it sounds like I'll replace later anyways... seems pointless

But I really dont see how you can expect people to give quality debugging feed back when no help is returned, for projects that are using your project.

I dont care about politics, I'm not a lawyer I was wrong to bring up GPL . I'm just trying to keep conformed to the "gentoo-installer" cd. haveing the spec file makes that alot easier.


Michael Rosset

On 9/23/05, Andrew Gaffney <> wrote:
Mike Rosset wrote:
> What I thought was a simple request for spec files seems to have turned
> into
> a nightmare. I had Andrew kick me out of "gentoo-installer" for even
> bringing it up.

No, I kicked you because you were being an ass and trying to claim that the GPL
*forced* wolf31o2 to release his spec files.

Andrew Gaffney                  
Gentoo Linux Developer                                   Installer Project
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