* Sven Vermeulen [05/08/08 10:46 +0200]: > Unless I am mistaken, only x86 (beejay) and alpha (kloeri) informed me that > the documentation in draft (for 2005.1) is release-ready, so only those two > architectures have a documentation snapshot available at > http://dev.gentoo.org/~swift/gentoo/releng.html. It contains HTML and TXT, > no PDF - you'll need to ask plasmaroo to provide those. I didn't answered as I created the ppc-docs myself from our current and updated handbook-draft. Thanks for your help, but your first message was already too late. Regards, Lars -- Lars Weiler +49-171-1963258 Gentoo Linux PowerPC : Developer and Release Engineer Gentoo Infrastructure : CVS Administrator Gentoo Foundation : Trustee