On Friday 13 August 2004 1:58 pm, William Hubbs wrote: > I don't see why we need the yearly refreshes either. > > I like the suggestion of making the names more descriptive in stead of > using numbers. Fore example, default/linux/am64. > Then, you might have default/linux/am64/gcc34. > Suppose that you decide to make the default am64 profile use gcc 3.4. All > you have to do is merge the am64/gcc34 profile into the am64 profile. You > could do this type of merging with any revision you want to become part of > the default profile, and otherwise not change the default profile at all. > > What do you think? Again I'm concerned that there isn't a built-in revision history outside of CVS using this method. Since users don't have CVS access, they don't have a convenient way to tell which profile is the "newest". Since we can't be sure that everyone has moved off a particular profile, we have to keep ALL the profiles around for an extended period of time. So not having a revision history makes it more difficult to understand what the latest and greatest is. -- Jason Huebel Gentoo/amd64 Strategic Lead Gentoo Developer Relations/Recruiter GPG Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9BA9E230 "Do not weep; do not wax indignant. Understand." Baruch Spinoza (1632 - 1677)