On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 19:26 +0100, Markus Hauschild wrote: > +1 on sys-process/htop its really useful imo > > On Feb 1, 2008 6:12 PM, Chris Gianelloni wrote: > > > I'm however missing support for ntfs3g, sys-process/htop is a must for > > > management of tasks > > > > Hrrmn... file a bug for ntfs3g (assign to release@gentoo.org) and I'll > > add it. What's htop? Actually, file a bug for it, too. Can someone go and file bugs (one bug each package) for all of the packages that I've agreed to already? Also, the call for feature requests is now over, since the snapshot is coming today. For any bugs that are filed today, even ones for packages in ~arch, I'll speak with the maintainers and see if it is a candidate for stable/inclusion. So get those bugs in!!! (Please?!) -- Chris Gianelloni Release Engineering Strategic Lead Games Developer