Do we need to have a 2006.0 planning meeting or can we do all of it on-list? Basically, I just need to know who is planning on releasing for 2006.0 and what they plan on releasing. I would also need to know school/work/vacation schedules for the first quarter of next year, so we can plan accordingly. I'll start off with myself. I know that I will be attending FOSDEM at the end of February and will probably be in Europe for at least 2 weeks after. I will also be in Boston for Linux World on April 3rd-6th. This would make the month of March a pretty bad time for me to do the release, depending on how much work I can offload onto the new x86 Release Coordinator, thunder. I already sent out the information on what x86 will be releasing to the list, so I am not going to repeat that here. -- Chris Gianelloni Release Engineering - Strategic Lead x86 Architecture Team Games - Developer Gentoo Linux