On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 08:42 -0500, Lance Albertson wrote: > > Please guys, > > > > Gentoo is made for users too. Don't be overly protective, but find honour > > in the fact that he chooses to use gentoo and the installer project to > > base his work on. You should help him, and inquire what the project is > > about. If he finishes you might even ask whether you can showcase it. > > Possibly even leading to an article on newsforge (or other newssite) > > leading for POSITIVE publicity for gentoo. Not kick people out of IRC > > channels only if they don't agree with you. And indeed the GPL does not > > make you release the spec file. The open nature of gentoo should. > > Its sad. This is the second time I've hear of folks going into the > installer channel asking them about things/offering help and > suggestions, then getting kicked and flamed. It has certainly put a > black eye on the installer project from my point of view. Seems like > they are more afraid of someone else coming up with a better idea that > having an *open* view on the project. Great. Shouldn't this be on the Installer list? This really has nothing to do with the Release Engineering team or Release Engineering in general. Thanks... -- Chris Gianelloni Release Engineering - Strategic Lead Games - Developer Gentoo Linux