It's that time again, folks! Time to brush off the old build boxes and start working on the next release! Well, this time around, we're going to be starting *way* early to try to rule out any problems that might exist before they hold us up. Anyway, without any further ado (or fanfare) allow me to point all of you to the snapshot at for your building pleasure. The MD5 is d1b2846e1d0e63492fc3bfca273f4bab and the date stamp is 20050603. I would also like for everyone to test the new catalyst versions before I unleash them. I'm trying to get rid of the bugs *before* I make a new catalyst release. The catalyst versions are 1.1.10_pre* and should be in portage, but package.mask'd. One note of warning, be absolutely sure that you're running the latest one before mentioning any bugs. Also, I really do not want bug reports on the pre-release versions, but rather just emails. The current catalyst going into portage right now is catalyst 1.1.10_pre3. (Sorry if this shows up more than once, my email is being a pain) -- Chris Gianelloni Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager Games - Developer Gentoo Linux