Hi all - You may have well noticed that I have been very unactive lately. School is getting increasingly more demanding, and on top of that, my co-curricular activities are draining what free time I have left after addressing my studies. So, in light of that, I am inactive, but around. During the period of my inactivity, please address all releng concerns to Chris (wolf31o2) and he will take care of them. If the mattter at hand is urgent, I still check my mail about every 5 minutes ;) I will probably be back in full force more towards Christmas. Until then, I will advise the best that I can, but leave the majority work up to the (very) capable releng team. Cheers, //John -- John Davis Gentoo Foundation Trustee | http://www.gentoo.org Release Engineering Manager | http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng