On Sat, 2004-09-04 at 08:00, Sven Vermeulen wrote: > On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:53:16PM +0200, Guy Martin wrote: > > I'd like to see such thing integrated into catalyst. Actualy Weeve wrote > > a bash script to build netboot images for sparc but it's not very > > flexible :-/ > > Maybe I could help with this. I'd really like to publish netboot images > > for hppa. > > I'd like to see something like this integrated in Catalyst as well. > Netbooting is heavily used on most of the organisations I administer systems > for as it provides great flexibility. > > It might also be very interesting for JumpStart-like possibilities (as a > start). > > Wkr, > Sven Vermeulen I'm game :) File a bug please and attach that script from weeve. TBH, I know very little about the netboot process and what is needed, but if I have some code to look at, I should be OK. BTW, sorry that I have been rather silent lately on the lists and IRC. I have been way busy with school, both academics and extracurriculars. I am still reading my mail and conducting correspondence though. Don't think that i have disappeared ;) Regards, -- John Davis Gentoo Linux Developer ---- GnuPG Public Key: Fingerprint: 4F9E 41F6 D072 5C1A 636C 2D46 B92C 4823 E281 41BB