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* [gentoo-releng-autobuilds] [ppc-auto] Catalyst fatal build error - ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
@ 2023-01-28  4:19 catalyst
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 3+ messages in thread
From: catalyst @ 2023-01-28  4:19 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: releng, gentoo-releng-autobuilds

*** Running command: time catalyst -a -c /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf -f /tmp/catalyst-auto.20230128T033218Z.8HwSxO/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Loading configuration file: /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
NOTICE:catalyst:Loading configuration file: /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : conf_values[options] = ['autoresume', 'bindist', 'pkgcache', 'seedcache', 'clear-autoresume']
NOTICE:catalyst:conf_values[options] = ['autoresume', 'bindist', 'pkgcache', 'seedcache', 'clear-autoresume']
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Processing spec file: /tmp/catalyst-auto.20230128T033218Z.8HwSxO/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
NOTICE:catalyst:Processing spec file: /tmp/catalyst-auto.20230128T033218Z.8HwSxO/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Using target: stage3
NOTICE:catalyst:Using target: stage3
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Accepted source file extensions search order: ['tar.xz', 'tpxz', 'xz', 'tar.bz2', 'bz2', 'tbz2', 'squashfs', 'sfs', 'tar.gz', 'gz', 'tar']
NOTICE:catalyst:Accepted source file extensions search order: ['tar.xz', 'tpxz', 'xz', 'tar.bz2', 'bz2', 'tbz2', 'squashfs', 'sfs', 'tar.gz', 'gz', 'tar']
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Source path set to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z/
NOTICE:catalyst:Source path set to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z/
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Removing AutoResume Points ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Removing AutoResume Points ...
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z
NOTICE:catalyst:Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: unpack
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: unpack
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Resume: Target chroot is invalid, cleaning up...
NOTICE:catalyst:Resume: Target chroot is invalid, cleaning up...
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Removing AutoResume Points ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Removing AutoResume Points ...
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z
NOTICE:catalyst:Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Clearing the chroot path ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Clearing the chroot path ...
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : Starting rsync from /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z/
NOTICE:catalyst:Starting rsync from /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z/
28 Jan 2023 04:00:05 UTC: NOTICE  : to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z (this may take some time) ..
NOTICE:catalyst:to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z (this may take some time) ..
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: config_profile_link
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: config_profile_link
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: setup_confdir
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: setup_confdir
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: process_repos
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: process_repos
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: bind
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: bind
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: chroot_setup
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: chroot_setup
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : Setting up chroot...
NOTICE:catalyst:Setting up chroot...
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: WARNING : env variables in catalystrc may cause catastrophic failure.
WARNING:catalyst:env variables in catalystrc may cause catastrophic failure.
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: WARNING : If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
WARNING:catalyst:If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : Writing the stage make.conf to: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z/etc/portage/make.conf
NOTICE:catalyst:Writing the stage make.conf to: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z/etc/portage/make.conf
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : STICKY-CONFIG is enabled
NOTICE:catalyst:STICKY-CONFIG is enabled
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: setup_environment
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: setup_environment
28 Jan 2023 04:00:12 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: run_local
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: run_local
Running in chroot:
    setarch linux32 chroot /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230128T033218Z /tmp/
>>> Regenerating /etc/
emerge --quiet --jobs 12 --load-average 12.0 --usepkg --buildpkg --binpkg-respect-use=y --newuse -e --update --deep --with-bdeps=y @system

Performing Global Updates
(Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)

>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/man-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/sshd-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/audio-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/cdrom-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/dialout-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/disk-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/input-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/kmem-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/kvm-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/lp-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/render-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/sgx-0
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/tape-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/tty-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/video-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/portage-0
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/man-1-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/portage-0
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/sshd-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for app-crypt/libb2-0.98.1-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/glibc-2.36-r5
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.1-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.28-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/util-linux-2.37.4
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-lang/python-3.10.9
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5
 * Using generic C implementation on non-amd64/x86 with USE=cpudetection
 * --enable-fat is a no-op on alternative arches.
 * To obtain an optimized build, set USE=-cpudetection, but binpkgs should not then be made.
>>> Running pre-merge checks for app-portage/portage-utils-0.94.3
>>> Running pre-merge checks for net-misc/openssh-9.1_p1-r3
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-lang/python-3.11.1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/portage-3.0.43-r1
 * Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ...
 [ ok ]
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-devel/gcc-11.3.1_p20230120-r1
>>> Emerging binary (1 of 265) sys-devel/gnuconfig-20221007::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (2 of 265) virtual/libintl-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (3 of 265) sys-libs/ncurses-6.3_p20221203-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (4 of 265) virtual/libiconv-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (5 of 265) sys-apps/gentoo-functions-0.17::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (6 of 265) dev-libs/libffi-3.4.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (7 of 265) app-misc/mime-types-2.1.53::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (8 of 265) app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (9 of 265) acct-group/man-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (10 of 265) acct-group/sshd-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (11 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-pip-22.3.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (12 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-setuptools-65.6.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (13 of 265) dev-lang/python-exec-conf-2.4.6::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (14 of 265) app-misc/editor-wrapper-4-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (15 of 265) net-libs/libmnl-1.0.5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (16 of 265) app-text/manpager-1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (17 of 265) acct-group/audio-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (18 of 265) acct-group/cdrom-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (19 of 265) acct-group/dialout-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (20 of 265) acct-group/disk-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (21 of 265) acct-group/input-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (22 of 265) acct-group/kmem-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (23 of 265) acct-group/kvm-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (24 of 265) acct-group/lp-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (25 of 265) acct-group/render-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (26 of 265) acct-group/sgx-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (27 of 265) acct-group/tape-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (28 of 265) acct-group/tty-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (29 of 265) acct-group/video-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (30 of 265) net-dns/c-ares-1.18.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (31 of 265) sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gentoo-release-20220101::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (32 of 265) sys-apps/install-xattr-0.8::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (33 of 265) acct-group/portage-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (34 of 265) sys-apps/baselayout-2.9::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (35 of 265) sys-apps/which-2.21::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (36 of 265) app-text/sgml-common-0.6.3-r7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (37 of 265) sys-devel/autoconf-archive-2022.09.03::gentoo
>>> Installing (36 of 265) app-text/sgml-common-0.6.3-r7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (38 of 265) dev-util/gperf-3.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (39 of 265) sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-20221207::gentoo
>>> Installing (38 of 265) dev-util/gperf-3.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (40 of 265) sys-devel/automake-wrapper-11-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (41 of 265) dev-util/pkgconf-1.8.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (40 of 265) sys-devel/automake-wrapper-11-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (42 of 265) app-arch/bzip2-1.0.8-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (43 of 265) app-arch/gzip-1.12-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (37 of 265) sys-devel/autoconf-archive-2022.09.03::gentoo
>>> Installing (39 of 265) sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-20221207::gentoo
>>> Installing (41 of 265) dev-util/pkgconf-1.8.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (1 of 265) sys-devel/gnuconfig-20221007::gentoo
>>> Installing (2 of 265) virtual/libintl-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (3 of 265) sys-libs/ncurses-6.3_p20221203-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (4 of 265) virtual/libiconv-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (5 of 265) sys-apps/gentoo-functions-0.17::gentoo
>>> Installing (6 of 265) dev-libs/libffi-3.4.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (7 of 265) app-misc/mime-types-2.1.53::gentoo
>>> Installing (8 of 265) app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (9 of 265) acct-group/man-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (10 of 265) acct-group/sshd-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (11 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-pip-22.3.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (12 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-setuptools-65.6.3::gentoo
>>> Installing (13 of 265) dev-lang/python-exec-conf-2.4.6::gentoo
>>> Installing (14 of 265) app-misc/editor-wrapper-4-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (15 of 265) net-libs/libmnl-1.0.5::gentoo
>>> Installing (16 of 265) app-text/manpager-1::gentoo
>>> Installing (17 of 265) acct-group/audio-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (18 of 265) acct-group/cdrom-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (19 of 265) acct-group/dialout-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (20 of 265) acct-group/disk-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (21 of 265) acct-group/input-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (22 of 265) acct-group/kmem-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (23 of 265) acct-group/kvm-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (24 of 265) acct-group/lp-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (25 of 265) acct-group/render-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (26 of 265) acct-group/sgx-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (27 of 265) acct-group/tape-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (28 of 265) acct-group/tty-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (29 of 265) acct-group/video-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (30 of 265) net-dns/c-ares-1.18.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (31 of 265) sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gentoo-release-20220101::gentoo
>>> Installing (32 of 265) sys-apps/install-xattr-0.8::gentoo
>>> Installing (33 of 265) acct-group/portage-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (34 of 265) sys-apps/baselayout-2.9::gentoo
>>> Installing (35 of 265) sys-apps/which-2.21::gentoo
>>> Installing (42 of 265) app-arch/bzip2-1.0.8-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (43 of 265) app-arch/gzip-1.12-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (44 of 265) dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.10::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (45 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-wheels-100::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (46 of 265) sys-devel/gcc-config-2.8::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (47 of 265) sys-libs/timezone-data-2022g::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (48 of 265) sys-devel/binutils-config-5.4.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (49 of 265) acct-user/man-1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (50 of 265) acct-user/portage-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (51 of 265) acct-user/sshd-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (52 of 265) virtual/pkgconfig-2-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (53 of 265) app-arch/xz-utils-5.4.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (54 of 265) app-alternatives/bzip2-1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (55 of 265) app-alternatives/gzip-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (52 of 265) virtual/pkgconfig-2-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (44 of 265) dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.10::gentoo
>>> Installing (45 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-wheels-100::gentoo
>>> Installing (46 of 265) sys-devel/gcc-config-2.8::gentoo
>>> Installing (47 of 265) sys-libs/timezone-data-2022g::gentoo
>>> Installing (48 of 265) sys-devel/binutils-config-5.4.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (49 of 265) acct-user/man-1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (50 of 265) acct-user/portage-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (51 of 265) acct-user/sshd-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (53 of 265) app-arch/xz-utils-5.4.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (54 of 265) app-alternatives/bzip2-1::gentoo
>>> Installing (55 of 265) app-alternatives/gzip-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (56 of 265) sys-libs/readline-8.1_p2-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (57 of 265) dev-libs/libpipeline-1.5.7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (58 of 265) net-libs/nghttp2-1.47.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (59 of 265) sys-process/procps-3.3.17-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (60 of 265) sys-apps/net-tools-2.10::gentoo
>>> Emerging (61 of 265) app-portage/elt-patches-20221210::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (62 of 265) app-arch/unzip-6.0_p27-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (62 of 265) app-arch/unzip-6.0_p27-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (61 of 265) app-portage/elt-patches-20221210::gentoo
>>> Installing (56 of 265) sys-libs/readline-8.1_p2-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (57 of 265) dev-libs/libpipeline-1.5.7::gentoo
>>> Installing (58 of 265) net-libs/nghttp2-1.47.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (59 of 265) sys-process/procps-3.3.17-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (60 of 265) sys-apps/net-tools-2.10::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (63 of 265) dev-libs/libltdl-2.4.7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (64 of 265) net-libs/libtirpc-1.3.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (65 of 265) dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.33.2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (66 of 265) sys-libs/zlib-1.2.13-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (67 of 265) sys-libs/gdbm-1.23::gentoo
>>> Installing (63 of 265) dev-libs/libltdl-2.4.7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (68 of 265) dev-libs/libunistring-0.9.10-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (64 of 265) net-libs/libtirpc-1.3.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (69 of 265) net-libs/libnsl-2.0.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (65 of 265) dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.33.2::gentoo
>>> Installing (69 of 265) net-libs/libnsl-2.0.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (68 of 265) dev-libs/libunistring-0.9.10-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (66 of 265) sys-libs/zlib-1.2.13-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (67 of 265) sys-libs/gdbm-1.23::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (70 of 265) app-arch/zstd-1.5.2-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (71 of 265) dev-libs/libpcre2-10.40-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (72 of 265) dev-libs/libpcre-8.45-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (71 of 265) dev-libs/libpcre2-10.40-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (70 of 265) app-arch/zstd-1.5.2-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (72 of 265) dev-libs/libpcre-8.45-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (73 of 265) sys-kernel/linux-headers-5.15-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (73 of 265) sys-kernel/linux-headers-5.15-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (74 of 265) virtual/os-headers-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (74 of 265) virtual/os-headers-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (75 of 265) sys-libs/libseccomp-2.5.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (75 of 265) sys-libs/libseccomp-2.5.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (76 of 265) dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.46-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (76 of 265) dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.46-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (77 of 265) dev-libs/libassuan-2.5.5::gentoo
>>> Installing (77 of 265) dev-libs/libassuan-2.5.5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (78 of 265) sys-apps/attr-2.5.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (78 of 265) sys-apps/attr-2.5.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (79 of 265) sys-devel/patch-2.7.6-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (79 of 265) sys-devel/patch-2.7.6-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (80 of 265) sys-apps/acl-2.3.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (80 of 265) sys-apps/acl-2.3.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (81 of 265) virtual/acl-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (81 of 265) virtual/acl-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (82 of 265) app-shells/bash-5.1_p16-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (82 of 265) app-shells/bash-5.1_p16-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (83 of 265) app-alternatives/sh-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (84 of 265) app-misc/pax-utils-1.3.5::gentoo
>>> Installing (83 of 265) app-alternatives/sh-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (84 of 265) app-misc/pax-utils-1.3.5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (85 of 265) sys-apps/sandbox-2.29::gentoo
>>> Installing (85 of 265) sys-apps/sandbox-2.29::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (86 of 265) dev-libs/expat-2.5.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (86 of 265) dev-libs/expat-2.5.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (87 of 265) sys-apps/sed-4.9::gentoo
>>> Installing (87 of 265) sys-apps/sed-4.9::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (88 of 265) sys-devel/binutils-2.39-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (88 of 265) sys-devel/binutils-2.39-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (89 of 265) net-dns/libidn2-2.3.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (89 of 265) net-dns/libidn2-2.3.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (90 of 265) dev-db/sqlite-3.40.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (90 of 265) dev-db/sqlite-3.40.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (91 of 265) sys-apps/findutils-4.9.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (91 of 265) sys-apps/findutils-4.9.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (92 of 265) sys-apps/diffutils-3.8::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (93 of 265) sys-apps/gawk-5.2.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (92 of 265) sys-apps/diffutils-3.8::gentoo
>>> Installing (93 of 265) sys-apps/gawk-5.2.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (94 of 265) app-alternatives/awk-4::gentoo
>>> Installing (94 of 265) app-alternatives/awk-4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (95 of 265) sys-apps/kmod-30::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (96 of 265) sys-process/psmisc-23.4-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (97 of 265) dev-libs/popt-1.18::gentoo
>>> Installing (95 of 265) sys-apps/kmod-30::gentoo
>>> Installing (96 of 265) sys-process/psmisc-23.4-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (97 of 265) dev-libs/popt-1.18::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (98 of 265) sys-apps/groff-1.22.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (99 of 265) app-editors/nano-6.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (100 of 265) dev-libs/libksba-1.6.3::gentoo
>>> Installing (98 of 265) sys-apps/groff-1.22.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (100 of 265) dev-libs/libksba-1.6.3::gentoo
>>> Installing (99 of 265) app-editors/nano-6.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (101 of 265) virtual/editor-0-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (102 of 265) dev-libs/npth-1.6-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (101 of 265) virtual/editor-0-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (102 of 265) dev-libs/npth-1.6-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (103 of 265) dev-libs/libtasn1-4.19.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (103 of 265) dev-libs/libtasn1-4.19.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (104 of 265) sys-apps/sysvinit-3.05::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (105 of 265) dev-util/ninja-1.11.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (105 of 265) dev-util/ninja-1.11.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (104 of 265) sys-apps/sysvinit-3.05::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (106 of 265) app-crypt/libb2-0.98.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (106 of 265) app-crypt/libb2-0.98.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (107 of 265) app-text/opensp-1.5.2-r9::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (108 of 265) sys-apps/file-5.44-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (107 of 265) app-text/opensp-1.5.2-r9::gentoo
>>> Installing (108 of 265) sys-apps/file-5.44-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (109 of 265) sys-apps/grep-3.7::gentoo
>>> Installing (109 of 265) sys-apps/grep-3.7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (110 of 265) sys-apps/less-608-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (111 of 265) dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1s::gentoo
>>> Installing (110 of 265) sys-apps/less-608-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (111 of 265) dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1s::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (112 of 265) virtual/pager-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (113 of 265) sys-apps/coreutils-9.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (112 of 265) virtual/pager-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (113 of 265) sys-apps/coreutils-9.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (114 of 265) app-admin/eselect-1.4.20::gentoo
>>> Installing (114 of 265) app-admin/eselect-1.4.20::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (115 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-iptables-20220320::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (116 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (115 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-iptables-20220320::gentoo
>>> Installing (116 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (117 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7.2::gentoo
>>> Installing (117 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7.2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (118 of 265) net-misc/rsync-3.2.4-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (118 of 265) net-misc/rsync-3.2.4-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (119 of 265) net-firewall/iptables-1.8.8-r5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (120 of 265) net-misc/curl-7.87.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (119 of 265) net-firewall/iptables-1.8.8-r5::gentoo
>>> Installing (120 of 265) net-misc/curl-7.87.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (121 of 265) sys-libs/glibc-2.36-r5::gentoo
>>> Installing (121 of 265) sys-libs/glibc-2.36-r5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (122 of 265) virtual/libc-1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (123 of 265) dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (122 of 265) virtual/libc-1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (123 of 265) dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (124 of 265) sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.28-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (124 of 265) sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.28-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (125 of 265) virtual/libcrypt-2::gentoo
>>> Installing (125 of 265) virtual/libcrypt-2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (126 of 265) app-crypt/pinentry-1.2.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (126 of 265) app-crypt/pinentry-1.2.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (127 of 265) sys-libs/pam-1.5.2-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (127 of 265) sys-libs/pam-1.5.2-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (128 of 265) sys-auth/passwdqc-2.0.2-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (128 of 265) sys-auth/passwdqc-2.0.2-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (129 of 265) sys-auth/pambase-20220214::gentoo
>>> Installing (129 of 265) sys-auth/pambase-20220214::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (130 of 265) sys-libs/libcap-2.66::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (131 of 265) sys-apps/kbd-2.5.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (132 of 265) sys-apps/util-linux-2.37.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (130 of 265) sys-libs/libcap-2.66::gentoo
>>> Installing (131 of 265) sys-apps/kbd-2.5.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (132 of 265) sys-apps/util-linux-2.37.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (133 of 265) dev-lang/python-3.10.9::gentoo
>>> Installing (133 of 265) dev-lang/python-3.10.9::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (134 of 265) dev-python/tomli-2.0.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (134 of 265) dev-python/tomli-2.0.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (135 of 265) dev-util/meson-format-array-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (135 of 265) dev-util/meson-format-array-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (136 of 265) dev-libs/libxml2-2.10.3-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (136 of 265) dev-libs/libxml2-2.10.3-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (137 of 265) dev-python/installer-0.6.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (137 of 265) dev-python/installer-0.6.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (138 of 265) sys-devel/gettext-0.21.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (138 of 265) sys-devel/gettext-0.21.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (139 of 265) dev-python/gpep517-13::gentoo
>>> Installing (139 of 265) dev-python/gpep517-13::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (140 of 265) dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.37-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (140 of 265) dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.37-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (141 of 265) app-text/build-docbook-catalog-2.3-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (141 of 265) app-text/build-docbook-catalog-2.3-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (142 of 265) sys-apps/shadow-4.13-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (143 of 265) sys-devel/make-4.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (144 of 265) dev-python/flit_core-3.8.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (144 of 265) dev-python/flit_core-3.8.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (142 of 265) sys-apps/shadow-4.13-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (143 of 265) sys-devel/make-4.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (145 of 265) app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.79.1-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (145 of 265) app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.79.1-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (146 of 265) sys-devel/m4-1.4.19::gentoo
>>> Installing (146 of 265) sys-devel/m4-1.4.19::gentoo
>>> Emerging (147 of 265) dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo
>>> Failed to emerge dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5, Log file:
>>>  '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/build.log'
 * Package:    dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5:0/10.4
 * Repository: gentoo
 * Maintainer:
 * USE:        asm cpudetection cxx elibc_glibc kernel_linux ppc userland_GNU
 * FEATURES:   network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox
 * Applying gmp-6.1.0-noexecstack-detect.patch ...
 [ ok ]
 * Applying gmp-6.2.1-no-zarch.patch ...
 [ ok ]
 * Applying gmp-6.2.1-arm64-darwin.patch ...
 [ ok ]
 * Applying gmp-6.2.1-CVE-2021-43618.patch ...
 [ ok ]
 * Running elibtoolize in: gmp-6.2.1/
 *   Applying portage/1.2.0 patch ...
 *   Applying sed/1.5.6 patch ...
 *   Applying as-needed/2.4.3 patch ...
 *   Applying specs/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying fsanitize/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying fuse-ld/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying static-flags/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying werror/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying ppc64le/2.4.4 patch ...
 * Using GNU config files from /usr/share/gnuconfig
 *   Updating config.sub ...
 [ ok ]
 *   Updating config.guess ...
 [ ok ]
 * .ppc: running multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure
checking build system type... powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking ABI=32
checking whether powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc is gcc... yes
checking compiler powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -O2 -mcpu=powerpc -mtune=powerpc -pipe ... no, abs int -> double conversion
configure.wrapped: error: could not find a working compiler, see config.log for details

!!! Please attach the following file when seeking support:
!!! /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1-.ppc/config.log
 * ERROR: dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo failed (configure phase):
 *   econf failed
 * Call stack:
 *     , line  136:  Called src_configure
 *             environment, line 1768:  Called multilib-minimal_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1171:  Called multilib_foreach_abi 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1421:  Called multibuild_foreach_variant '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1126:  Called _multibuild_run '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1124:  Called _multilib_multibuild_wrapper 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line  426:  Called multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1165:  Called multilib_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1670:  Called econf 'CC_FOR_BUILD=powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc' '--localstatedir=/var/state/gmp' '--enable-shared' '--enable-assembly' '--enable-fat' '--enable-cxx' '--disable-static'
 *, line  730:  Called __helpers_die 'econf failed'
 *, line  112:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *   		die "$@"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1-.ppc'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1'
 * Messages for package dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5:
 * Using generic C implementation on non-amd64/x86 with USE=cpudetection
 * --enable-fat is a no-op on alternative arches.
 * To obtain an optimized build, set USE=-cpudetection, but binpkgs should not then be made.
 * Messages for package acct-group/man-0-r1:
 * Adding group 'man' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 15
 * Messages for package acct-group/sshd-0-r1:
 * Adding group 'sshd' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 22
 * Messages for package acct-group/kvm-0-r1:
 * Adding group 'kvm' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 78
 * Messages for package acct-group/render-0-r1:
 * Adding group 'render' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 28
 * Messages for package acct-group/sgx-0:
 * Adding group 'sgx' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 405
 * Messages for package sys-apps/baselayout-2.9:
 * The following users have non-existent shells!
 * halt - /sbin/halt
 * shutdown - /sbin/shutdown
 * After updating /etc/profile, please run
 * env-update && . /etc/profile
 * Please run env-update then log out and back in to
 * update your path.
 * Messages for package acct-user/man-1-r1:
 * Adding user 'man' to your system ...
 *  - Userid: 13
 *  - Shell: /sbin/nologin
 *  - Home: /dev/null
 *  - Groups: man
 *  - GECOS: added by portage for man
 * Updating comment for user 'man' ...
 *  - Comment: System user; man
 * Messages for package acct-user/portage-0:
 * Updating home for user 'portage' ...
 *  - Home: /var/lib/portage/home
 * Updating shell for user 'portage' ...
 *  - Shell: /sbin/nologin
 * Updating comment for user 'portage' ...
 *  - Comment: System user; portage
 * Messages for package acct-user/sshd-0-r1:
 * Adding user 'sshd' to your system ...
 *  - Userid: 22
 *  - Shell: /sbin/nologin
 *  - Home: /var/empty
 *  - Groups: sshd
 *  - GECOS: added by portage for sshd
 * Updating comment for user 'sshd' ...
 *  - Comment: User for ssh
 * Messages for package app-alternatives/sh-0:
 * This package will overwrite one or more files that may belong to other
 * packages (see list below).
 * Detected file collision(s):
 * 	/bin/sh
 * Searching all installed packages for file collisions...
 * Press Ctrl-C to Stop
 * None of the installed packages claim the file(s).
 * Package 'app-alternatives/sh-0' merged despite file collisions. If
 * necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole content of the
 * above message.
 * Messages for package sys-apps/sysvinit-3.05:
 * The last/lastb/mesg/mountpoint/sulogin/utmpdump/wall tools have been moved to
 * sys-apps/util-linux. The pidof tool has been moved to sys-process/procps.
 * Messages for package sys-apps/coreutils-9.1-r2:
 * Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells.
 * You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS
 *   changes, such as: source /etc/profile
 * Messages for package net-firewall/iptables-1.8.8-r5:
 * Current iptables implementation is unset, setting to xtables-legacy-multi
 * Messages for package sys-libs/pam-1.5.2-r3:
 * Some software with pre-loaded PAM libraries might experience
 * warnings or failures related to missing symbols and/or versions
 * after any update. While unfortunate this is a limit of the
 * implementation of PAM and the software, and it requires you to
 * restart the software manually after the update.
 * You can get a list of such software running a command like
 *   lsof / | grep -E -i 'del.*libpam\.so'
 * Alternatively, simply reboot your system.
 * Messages for package sys-auth/pambase-20220214:
 * To amend the existing password policy please see the man 5
 * passwdqc.conf page and then edit the /etc/security/passwdqc.conf file
 * (Note: Above message is only printed the first time package is
 * installed. Please look at /usr/share/doc/pambase-20220214/README.gentoo*
 * for future reference)
 * Messages for package sys-apps/util-linux-2.37.4:
 * The mesg/wall/write tools have been disabled due to USE=-tty-helpers.
 * Messages for package dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5:
 * ERROR: dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo failed (configure phase):
 *   econf failed
 * Call stack:
 *     , line  136:  Called src_configure
 *             environment, line 1768:  Called multilib-minimal_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1171:  Called multilib_foreach_abi 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1421:  Called multibuild_foreach_variant '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1126:  Called _multibuild_run '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1124:  Called _multilib_multibuild_wrapper 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line  426:  Called multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1165:  Called multilib_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1670:  Called econf 'CC_FOR_BUILD=powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc' '--localstatedir=/var/state/gmp' '--enable-shared' '--enable-assembly' '--enable-fat' '--enable-cxx' '--disable-static'
 *, line  730:  Called __helpers_die 'econf failed'
 *, line  112:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *   		die "$@"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1-.ppc'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1'

 * IMPORTANT: config file '/etc/locale.gen' needs updating.
 * sections of the emerge man page to learn how to update config files.
28 Jan 2023 04:19:50 UTC: ERROR   : CatalystError: cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
ERROR:catalyst:CatalystError: cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
28 Jan 2023 04:19:50 UTC: ERROR   : Exception running action sequence run_local
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 38, in run_sequence
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1380, in run_local
    cmd([self.settings['controller_file'], 'run'],
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/", line 66, in cmd
    raise CatalystError('cmd(%r) exited %s' % (args, ret), cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
ERROR:catalyst:Exception running action sequence run_local
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 38, in run_sequence
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1380, in run_local
    cmd([self.settings['controller_file'], 'run'],
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/", line 66, in cmd
    raise CatalystError('cmd(%r) exited %s' % (args, ret), cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
Command exited with non-zero status 2
1059.70user 234.07system 19:45.24elapsed 109%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 75932maxresident)k
558858inputs+2159872outputs (66major+33517234minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Full build log at /tmp/catalyst-auto.20230128T033218Z.8HwSxO/log/ppc32_stage3-openrc.log

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread

* [gentoo-releng-autobuilds] [ppc-auto] Catalyst fatal build error - ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
@ 2023-01-29  3:48 catalyst
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 3+ messages in thread
From: catalyst @ 2023-01-29  3:48 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: releng, gentoo-releng-autobuilds

*** Running command: time catalyst -a -c /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf -f /tmp/catalyst-auto.20230129T024715Z.KEfviw/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Loading configuration file: /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
NOTICE:catalyst:Loading configuration file: /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : conf_values[options] = ['autoresume', 'bindist', 'pkgcache', 'seedcache', 'clear-autoresume']
NOTICE:catalyst:conf_values[options] = ['autoresume', 'bindist', 'pkgcache', 'seedcache', 'clear-autoresume']
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Processing spec file: /tmp/catalyst-auto.20230129T024715Z.KEfviw/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
NOTICE:catalyst:Processing spec file: /tmp/catalyst-auto.20230129T024715Z.KEfviw/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Using target: stage3
NOTICE:catalyst:Using target: stage3
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Accepted source file extensions search order: ['tar.xz', 'tpxz', 'xz', 'tar.bz2', 'bz2', 'tbz2', 'squashfs', 'sfs', 'tar.gz', 'gz', 'tar']
NOTICE:catalyst:Accepted source file extensions search order: ['tar.xz', 'tpxz', 'xz', 'tar.bz2', 'bz2', 'tbz2', 'squashfs', 'sfs', 'tar.gz', 'gz', 'tar']
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Source path set to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z/
NOTICE:catalyst:Source path set to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z/
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Removing AutoResume Points ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Removing AutoResume Points ...
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z
NOTICE:catalyst:Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: unpack
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: unpack
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Resume: Target chroot is invalid, cleaning up...
NOTICE:catalyst:Resume: Target chroot is invalid, cleaning up...
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Removing AutoResume Points ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Removing AutoResume Points ...
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z
NOTICE:catalyst:Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Clearing the chroot path ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Clearing the chroot path ...
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : Starting rsync from /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z/
NOTICE:catalyst:Starting rsync from /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z/
29 Jan 2023 03:28:17 UTC: NOTICE  : to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z (this may take some time) ..
NOTICE:catalyst:to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z (this may take some time) ..
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: config_profile_link
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: config_profile_link
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: setup_confdir
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: setup_confdir
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: process_repos
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: process_repos
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: bind
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: bind
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: chroot_setup
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: chroot_setup
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : Setting up chroot...
NOTICE:catalyst:Setting up chroot...
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: WARNING : env variables in catalystrc may cause catastrophic failure.
WARNING:catalyst:env variables in catalystrc may cause catastrophic failure.
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: WARNING : If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
WARNING:catalyst:If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : Writing the stage make.conf to: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z/etc/portage/make.conf
NOTICE:catalyst:Writing the stage make.conf to: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z/etc/portage/make.conf
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : STICKY-CONFIG is enabled
NOTICE:catalyst:STICKY-CONFIG is enabled
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: setup_environment
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: setup_environment
29 Jan 2023 03:28:24 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: run_local
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: run_local
Running in chroot:
    setarch linux32 chroot /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20230129T024715Z /tmp/
>>> Regenerating /etc/
emerge --quiet --jobs 12 --load-average 12.0 --usepkg --buildpkg --binpkg-respect-use=y --newuse -e --update --deep --with-bdeps=y @system

Performing Global Updates
(Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)

>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/man-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/sshd-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/audio-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/cdrom-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/dialout-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/disk-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/input-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/kmem-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/kvm-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/lp-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/render-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/sgx-0
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/tape-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/tty-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/video-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/portage-0
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/man-1-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/portage-0
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/sshd-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for app-crypt/libb2-0.98.1-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/glibc-2.36-r5
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.1-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.28-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/util-linux-2.37.4
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-lang/python-3.10.9
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5
 * Using generic C implementation on non-amd64/x86 with USE=cpudetection
 * --enable-fat is a no-op on alternative arches.
 * To obtain an optimized build, set USE=-cpudetection, but binpkgs should not then be made.
>>> Running pre-merge checks for app-portage/portage-utils-0.94.3
>>> Running pre-merge checks for net-misc/openssh-9.1_p1-r3
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-lang/python-3.11.1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/portage-3.0.43-r1
 * Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ...
 [ ok ]
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-devel/gcc-11.3.1_p20230120-r1
>>> Emerging binary (1 of 265) sys-devel/gnuconfig-20221007::gentoo
>>> Installing (1 of 265) sys-devel/gnuconfig-20221007::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (2 of 265) virtual/libintl-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (2 of 265) virtual/libintl-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (3 of 265) sys-libs/ncurses-6.3_p20221203-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (3 of 265) sys-libs/ncurses-6.3_p20221203-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (4 of 265) virtual/libiconv-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (4 of 265) virtual/libiconv-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (5 of 265) sys-apps/gentoo-functions-0.17::gentoo
>>> Installing (5 of 265) sys-apps/gentoo-functions-0.17::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (6 of 265) dev-libs/libffi-3.4.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (6 of 265) dev-libs/libffi-3.4.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (7 of 265) app-misc/mime-types-2.1.53::gentoo
>>> Installing (7 of 265) app-misc/mime-types-2.1.53::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (8 of 265) app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (8 of 265) app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (9 of 265) acct-group/man-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (9 of 265) acct-group/man-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (10 of 265) acct-group/sshd-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (10 of 265) acct-group/sshd-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (11 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-pip-22.3.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (11 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-pip-22.3.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (12 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-setuptools-65.6.3::gentoo
>>> Installing (12 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-setuptools-65.6.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (13 of 265) dev-lang/python-exec-conf-2.4.6::gentoo
>>> Installing (13 of 265) dev-lang/python-exec-conf-2.4.6::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (14 of 265) app-misc/editor-wrapper-4-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (14 of 265) app-misc/editor-wrapper-4-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (15 of 265) net-libs/libmnl-1.0.5::gentoo
>>> Installing (15 of 265) net-libs/libmnl-1.0.5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (16 of 265) app-text/manpager-1::gentoo
>>> Installing (16 of 265) app-text/manpager-1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (17 of 265) acct-group/audio-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (17 of 265) acct-group/audio-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (18 of 265) acct-group/cdrom-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (18 of 265) acct-group/cdrom-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (19 of 265) acct-group/dialout-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (19 of 265) acct-group/dialout-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (20 of 265) acct-group/disk-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (21 of 265) acct-group/input-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (22 of 265) acct-group/kmem-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (23 of 265) acct-group/kvm-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (24 of 265) acct-group/lp-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (25 of 265) acct-group/render-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (26 of 265) acct-group/sgx-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (27 of 265) acct-group/tape-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (28 of 265) acct-group/tty-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (29 of 265) acct-group/video-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (30 of 265) net-dns/c-ares-1.18.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (31 of 265) sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gentoo-release-20220101::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (32 of 265) sys-apps/install-xattr-0.8::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (33 of 265) acct-group/portage-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (34 of 265) sys-apps/baselayout-2.9::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (35 of 265) sys-apps/which-2.21::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (36 of 265) app-text/sgml-common-0.6.3-r7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (37 of 265) sys-devel/autoconf-archive-2022.09.03::gentoo
>>> Installing (36 of 265) app-text/sgml-common-0.6.3-r7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (38 of 265) dev-util/gperf-3.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (39 of 265) sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-20221207::gentoo
>>> Installing (38 of 265) dev-util/gperf-3.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (40 of 265) sys-devel/automake-wrapper-11-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (41 of 265) dev-util/pkgconf-1.8.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (40 of 265) sys-devel/automake-wrapper-11-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (42 of 265) dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.10::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (43 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-wheels-100::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (44 of 265) sys-devel/gcc-config-2.8::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (45 of 265) sys-libs/timezone-data-2022g::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (46 of 265) sys-devel/binutils-config-5.4.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (37 of 265) sys-devel/autoconf-archive-2022.09.03::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (47 of 265) acct-user/man-1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (48 of 265) acct-user/sshd-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (49 of 265) app-arch/xz-utils-5.4.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (50 of 265) app-arch/bzip2-1.0.8-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (51 of 265) app-arch/gzip-1.12-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (39 of 265) sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-20221207::gentoo
>>> Installing (41 of 265) dev-util/pkgconf-1.8.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (20 of 265) acct-group/disk-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (21 of 265) acct-group/input-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (22 of 265) acct-group/kmem-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (23 of 265) acct-group/kvm-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (24 of 265) acct-group/lp-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (25 of 265) acct-group/render-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (26 of 265) acct-group/sgx-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (27 of 265) acct-group/tape-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (28 of 265) acct-group/tty-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (29 of 265) acct-group/video-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (30 of 265) net-dns/c-ares-1.18.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (31 of 265) sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gentoo-release-20220101::gentoo
>>> Installing (32 of 265) sys-apps/install-xattr-0.8::gentoo
>>> Installing (33 of 265) acct-group/portage-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (34 of 265) sys-apps/baselayout-2.9::gentoo
>>> Installing (35 of 265) sys-apps/which-2.21::gentoo
>>> Installing (42 of 265) dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.10::gentoo
>>> Installing (43 of 265) dev-python/ensurepip-wheels-100::gentoo
>>> Installing (44 of 265) sys-devel/gcc-config-2.8::gentoo
>>> Installing (45 of 265) sys-libs/timezone-data-2022g::gentoo
>>> Installing (47 of 265) acct-user/man-1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (48 of 265) acct-user/sshd-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (49 of 265) app-arch/xz-utils-5.4.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (50 of 265) app-arch/bzip2-1.0.8-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (51 of 265) app-arch/gzip-1.12-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (46 of 265) sys-devel/binutils-config-5.4.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (52 of 265) acct-user/portage-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (53 of 265) virtual/pkgconfig-2-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (54 of 265) sys-apps/net-tools-2.10::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (55 of 265) app-portage/elt-patches-20221210::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (56 of 265) app-alternatives/bzip2-1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (57 of 265) app-alternatives/gzip-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (53 of 265) virtual/pkgconfig-2-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (55 of 265) app-portage/elt-patches-20221210::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (58 of 265) dev-libs/libltdl-2.4.7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (59 of 265) sys-libs/zlib-1.2.13-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (60 of 265) dev-libs/libunistring-0.9.10-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (61 of 265) sys-libs/readline-8.1_p2-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (62 of 265) dev-libs/libpipeline-1.5.7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (63 of 265) net-libs/nghttp2-1.47.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (64 of 265) sys-process/procps-3.3.17-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (65 of 265) net-libs/libtirpc-1.3.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (66 of 265) dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.33.2::gentoo
>>> Installing (58 of 265) dev-libs/libltdl-2.4.7::gentoo
>>> Installing (65 of 265) net-libs/libtirpc-1.3.3::gentoo
>>> Installing (66 of 265) dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.33.2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (67 of 265) net-libs/libnsl-2.0.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (67 of 265) net-libs/libnsl-2.0.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (52 of 265) acct-user/portage-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (54 of 265) sys-apps/net-tools-2.10::gentoo
>>> Installing (56 of 265) app-alternatives/bzip2-1::gentoo
>>> Installing (57 of 265) app-alternatives/gzip-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (59 of 265) sys-libs/zlib-1.2.13-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (60 of 265) dev-libs/libunistring-0.9.10-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (62 of 265) dev-libs/libpipeline-1.5.7::gentoo
>>> Installing (61 of 265) sys-libs/readline-8.1_p2-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (63 of 265) net-libs/nghttp2-1.47.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (64 of 265) sys-process/procps-3.3.17-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (68 of 265) sys-libs/gdbm-1.23::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (69 of 265) app-arch/zstd-1.5.2-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (70 of 265) dev-libs/libpcre2-10.40-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (71 of 265) dev-libs/libpcre-8.45-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (72 of 265) app-arch/unzip-6.0_p27-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (72 of 265) app-arch/unzip-6.0_p27-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (68 of 265) sys-libs/gdbm-1.23::gentoo
>>> Installing (69 of 265) app-arch/zstd-1.5.2-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (70 of 265) dev-libs/libpcre2-10.40-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (71 of 265) dev-libs/libpcre-8.45-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (73 of 265) sys-kernel/linux-headers-5.15-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (73 of 265) sys-kernel/linux-headers-5.15-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (74 of 265) virtual/os-headers-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (74 of 265) virtual/os-headers-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (75 of 265) sys-libs/libseccomp-2.5.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (75 of 265) sys-libs/libseccomp-2.5.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (76 of 265) dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.46-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (76 of 265) dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.46-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (77 of 265) dev-libs/libassuan-2.5.5::gentoo
>>> Installing (77 of 265) dev-libs/libassuan-2.5.5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (78 of 265) sys-apps/attr-2.5.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (78 of 265) sys-apps/attr-2.5.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (79 of 265) sys-devel/patch-2.7.6-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (79 of 265) sys-devel/patch-2.7.6-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (80 of 265) sys-apps/acl-2.3.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (80 of 265) sys-apps/acl-2.3.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (81 of 265) virtual/acl-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (81 of 265) virtual/acl-0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (82 of 265) app-shells/bash-5.1_p16-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (82 of 265) app-shells/bash-5.1_p16-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (83 of 265) app-alternatives/sh-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (84 of 265) app-misc/pax-utils-1.3.5::gentoo
>>> Installing (83 of 265) app-alternatives/sh-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (84 of 265) app-misc/pax-utils-1.3.5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (85 of 265) sys-apps/sandbox-2.29::gentoo
>>> Installing (85 of 265) sys-apps/sandbox-2.29::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (86 of 265) dev-libs/expat-2.5.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (86 of 265) dev-libs/expat-2.5.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (87 of 265) sys-apps/sed-4.9::gentoo
>>> Installing (87 of 265) sys-apps/sed-4.9::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (88 of 265) sys-devel/binutils-2.39-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (88 of 265) sys-devel/binutils-2.39-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (89 of 265) net-dns/libidn2-2.3.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (89 of 265) net-dns/libidn2-2.3.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (90 of 265) dev-db/sqlite-3.40.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (90 of 265) dev-db/sqlite-3.40.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (91 of 265) sys-apps/findutils-4.9.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (91 of 265) sys-apps/findutils-4.9.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (92 of 265) sys-apps/diffutils-3.8::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (93 of 265) sys-apps/gawk-5.2.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (92 of 265) sys-apps/diffutils-3.8::gentoo
>>> Installing (93 of 265) sys-apps/gawk-5.2.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (94 of 265) app-alternatives/awk-4::gentoo
>>> Installing (94 of 265) app-alternatives/awk-4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (95 of 265) sys-apps/kmod-30::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (96 of 265) sys-process/psmisc-23.4-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (97 of 265) dev-libs/popt-1.18::gentoo
>>> Installing (95 of 265) sys-apps/kmod-30::gentoo
>>> Installing (96 of 265) sys-process/psmisc-23.4-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (97 of 265) dev-libs/popt-1.18::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (98 of 265) sys-apps/groff-1.22.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (99 of 265) app-editors/nano-6.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (100 of 265) dev-libs/libksba-1.6.3::gentoo
>>> Installing (98 of 265) sys-apps/groff-1.22.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (99 of 265) app-editors/nano-6.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (100 of 265) dev-libs/libksba-1.6.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (101 of 265) virtual/editor-0-r4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (102 of 265) dev-libs/npth-1.6-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (101 of 265) virtual/editor-0-r4::gentoo
>>> Installing (102 of 265) dev-libs/npth-1.6-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (103 of 265) dev-libs/libtasn1-4.19.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (103 of 265) dev-libs/libtasn1-4.19.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (104 of 265) sys-apps/sysvinit-3.05::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (105 of 265) dev-util/ninja-1.11.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (105 of 265) dev-util/ninja-1.11.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (104 of 265) sys-apps/sysvinit-3.05::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (106 of 265) app-crypt/libb2-0.98.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (106 of 265) app-crypt/libb2-0.98.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (107 of 265) app-text/opensp-1.5.2-r9::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (108 of 265) sys-apps/file-5.44-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (107 of 265) app-text/opensp-1.5.2-r9::gentoo
>>> Installing (108 of 265) sys-apps/file-5.44-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (109 of 265) sys-apps/grep-3.7::gentoo
>>> Installing (109 of 265) sys-apps/grep-3.7::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (110 of 265) sys-apps/less-608-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (111 of 265) dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1s::gentoo
>>> Installing (110 of 265) sys-apps/less-608-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (111 of 265) dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1s::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (112 of 265) virtual/pager-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (113 of 265) sys-apps/coreutils-9.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (112 of 265) virtual/pager-0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (113 of 265) sys-apps/coreutils-9.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (114 of 265) app-admin/eselect-1.4.20::gentoo
>>> Installing (114 of 265) app-admin/eselect-1.4.20::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (115 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-iptables-20220320::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (116 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (115 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-iptables-20220320::gentoo
>>> Installing (116 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (117 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7.2::gentoo
>>> Installing (117 of 265) app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7.2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (118 of 265) net-misc/rsync-3.2.4-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (118 of 265) net-misc/rsync-3.2.4-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (119 of 265) net-firewall/iptables-1.8.8-r5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (120 of 265) net-misc/curl-7.87.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (119 of 265) net-firewall/iptables-1.8.8-r5::gentoo
>>> Installing (120 of 265) net-misc/curl-7.87.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (121 of 265) sys-libs/glibc-2.36-r5::gentoo
>>> Installing (121 of 265) sys-libs/glibc-2.36-r5::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (122 of 265) virtual/libc-1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (123 of 265) dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (122 of 265) virtual/libc-1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (123 of 265) dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.1-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (124 of 265) sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.28-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (124 of 265) sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.28-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (125 of 265) virtual/libcrypt-2::gentoo
>>> Installing (125 of 265) virtual/libcrypt-2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (126 of 265) app-crypt/pinentry-1.2.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (126 of 265) app-crypt/pinentry-1.2.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (127 of 265) sys-libs/pam-1.5.2-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (127 of 265) sys-libs/pam-1.5.2-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (128 of 265) sys-auth/passwdqc-2.0.2-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (128 of 265) sys-auth/passwdqc-2.0.2-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (129 of 265) sys-auth/pambase-20220214::gentoo
>>> Installing (129 of 265) sys-auth/pambase-20220214::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (130 of 265) sys-libs/libcap-2.66::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (131 of 265) sys-apps/kbd-2.5.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (132 of 265) sys-apps/util-linux-2.37.4::gentoo
>>> Installing (130 of 265) sys-libs/libcap-2.66::gentoo
>>> Installing (131 of 265) sys-apps/kbd-2.5.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (132 of 265) sys-apps/util-linux-2.37.4::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (133 of 265) dev-lang/python-3.10.9::gentoo
>>> Installing (133 of 265) dev-lang/python-3.10.9::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (134 of 265) dev-python/tomli-2.0.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (134 of 265) dev-python/tomli-2.0.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (135 of 265) dev-util/meson-format-array-0::gentoo
>>> Installing (135 of 265) dev-util/meson-format-array-0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (136 of 265) dev-libs/libxml2-2.10.3-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (136 of 265) dev-libs/libxml2-2.10.3-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (137 of 265) dev-python/installer-0.6.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (137 of 265) dev-python/installer-0.6.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (138 of 265) sys-devel/gettext-0.21.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (138 of 265) sys-devel/gettext-0.21.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (139 of 265) dev-python/gpep517-13::gentoo
>>> Installing (139 of 265) dev-python/gpep517-13::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (140 of 265) dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.37-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (140 of 265) dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.37-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (141 of 265) app-text/build-docbook-catalog-2.3-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (141 of 265) app-text/build-docbook-catalog-2.3-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (142 of 265) sys-apps/shadow-4.13-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (143 of 265) sys-devel/make-4.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (144 of 265) dev-python/flit_core-3.8.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (144 of 265) dev-python/flit_core-3.8.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (142 of 265) sys-apps/shadow-4.13-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (143 of 265) sys-devel/make-4.3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (145 of 265) app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.79.1-r3::gentoo
>>> Installing (145 of 265) app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.79.1-r3::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (146 of 265) sys-devel/m4-1.4.19::gentoo
>>> Installing (146 of 265) sys-devel/m4-1.4.19::gentoo
>>> Emerging (147 of 265) dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo
>>> Failed to emerge dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5, Log file:
>>>  '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/build.log'
 * Package:    dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5:0/10.4
 * Repository: gentoo
 * Maintainer:
 * USE:        asm cpudetection cxx elibc_glibc kernel_linux ppc userland_GNU
 * FEATURES:   network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox
 * Applying gmp-6.1.0-noexecstack-detect.patch ...
 [ ok ]
 * Applying gmp-6.2.1-no-zarch.patch ...
 [ ok ]
 * Applying gmp-6.2.1-arm64-darwin.patch ...
 [ ok ]
 * Applying gmp-6.2.1-CVE-2021-43618.patch ...
 [ ok ]
 * Running elibtoolize in: gmp-6.2.1/
 *   Applying portage/1.2.0 patch ...
 *   Applying sed/1.5.6 patch ...
 *   Applying as-needed/2.4.3 patch ...
 *   Applying specs/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying fsanitize/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying fuse-ld/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying static-flags/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying werror/2.4.6 patch ...
 *   Applying ppc64le/2.4.4 patch ...
 * Using GNU config files from /usr/share/gnuconfig
 *   Updating config.sub ...
 [ ok ]
 *   Updating config.guess ...
 [ ok ]
 * .ppc: running multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure
checking build system type... powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no
checking ABI=32
checking whether powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc is gcc... yes
checking compiler powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -O2 -mcpu=powerpc -mtune=powerpc -pipe ... no, abs int -> double conversion
configure.wrapped: error: could not find a working compiler, see config.log for details

!!! Please attach the following file when seeking support:
!!! /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1-.ppc/config.log
 * ERROR: dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo failed (configure phase):
 *   econf failed
 * Call stack:
 *     , line  136:  Called src_configure
 *             environment, line 1768:  Called multilib-minimal_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1171:  Called multilib_foreach_abi 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1421:  Called multibuild_foreach_variant '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1126:  Called _multibuild_run '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1124:  Called _multilib_multibuild_wrapper 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line  426:  Called multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1165:  Called multilib_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1670:  Called econf 'CC_FOR_BUILD=powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc' '--localstatedir=/var/state/gmp' '--enable-shared' '--enable-assembly' '--enable-fat' '--enable-cxx' '--disable-static'
 *, line  730:  Called __helpers_die 'econf failed'
 *, line  112:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *   		die "$@"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1-.ppc'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1'
 * Messages for package dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5:
 * Using generic C implementation on non-amd64/x86 with USE=cpudetection
 * --enable-fat is a no-op on alternative arches.
 * To obtain an optimized build, set USE=-cpudetection, but binpkgs should not then be made.
 * Messages for package acct-group/man-0-r1:
 * Adding group 'man' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 15
 * Messages for package acct-group/sshd-0-r1:
 * Adding group 'sshd' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 22
 * Messages for package acct-group/kvm-0-r1:
 * Adding group 'kvm' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 78
 * Messages for package acct-group/render-0-r1:
 * Adding group 'render' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 28
 * Messages for package acct-group/sgx-0:
 * Adding group 'sgx' to your system ...
 *  - Groupid: 405
 * Messages for package sys-apps/baselayout-2.9:
 * The following users have non-existent shells!
 * halt - /sbin/halt
 * shutdown - /sbin/shutdown
 * After updating /etc/profile, please run
 * env-update && . /etc/profile
 * Please run env-update then log out and back in to
 * update your path.
 * Messages for package acct-user/man-1-r1:
 * Adding user 'man' to your system ...
 *  - Userid: 13
 *  - Shell: /sbin/nologin
 *  - Home: /dev/null
 *  - Groups: man
 *  - GECOS: added by portage for man
 * Updating comment for user 'man' ...
 *  - Comment: System user; man
 * Messages for package acct-user/sshd-0-r1:
 * Adding user 'sshd' to your system ...
 *  - Userid: 22
 *  - Shell: /sbin/nologin
 *  - Home: /var/empty
 *  - Groups: sshd
 *  - GECOS: added by portage for sshd
 * Updating comment for user 'sshd' ...
 *  - Comment: User for ssh
 * Messages for package acct-user/portage-0:
 * Updating home for user 'portage' ...
 *  - Home: /var/lib/portage/home
 * Updating shell for user 'portage' ...
 *  - Shell: /sbin/nologin
 * Updating comment for user 'portage' ...
 *  - Comment: System user; portage
 * Messages for package app-alternatives/sh-0:
 * This package will overwrite one or more files that may belong to other
 * packages (see list below).
 * Detected file collision(s):
 * 	/bin/sh
 * Searching all installed packages for file collisions...
 * Press Ctrl-C to Stop
 * None of the installed packages claim the file(s).
 * Package 'app-alternatives/sh-0' merged despite file collisions. If
 * necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole content of the
 * above message.
 * Messages for package sys-apps/sysvinit-3.05:
 * The last/lastb/mesg/mountpoint/sulogin/utmpdump/wall tools have been moved to
 * sys-apps/util-linux. The pidof tool has been moved to sys-process/procps.
 * Messages for package sys-apps/coreutils-9.1-r2:
 * Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells.
 * You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS
 *   changes, such as: source /etc/profile
 * Messages for package net-firewall/iptables-1.8.8-r5:
 * Current iptables implementation is unset, setting to xtables-legacy-multi
 * Messages for package sys-libs/pam-1.5.2-r3:
 * Some software with pre-loaded PAM libraries might experience
 * warnings or failures related to missing symbols and/or versions
 * after any update. While unfortunate this is a limit of the
 * implementation of PAM and the software, and it requires you to
 * restart the software manually after the update.
 * You can get a list of such software running a command like
 *   lsof / | grep -E -i 'del.*libpam\.so'
 * Alternatively, simply reboot your system.
 * Messages for package sys-auth/pambase-20220214:
 * To amend the existing password policy please see the man 5
 * passwdqc.conf page and then edit the /etc/security/passwdqc.conf file
 * (Note: Above message is only printed the first time package is
 * installed. Please look at /usr/share/doc/pambase-20220214/README.gentoo*
 * for future reference)
 * Messages for package sys-apps/util-linux-2.37.4:
 * The mesg/wall/write tools have been disabled due to USE=-tty-helpers.
 * Messages for package dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5:
 * ERROR: dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo failed (configure phase):
 *   econf failed
 * Call stack:
 *     , line  136:  Called src_configure
 *             environment, line 1768:  Called multilib-minimal_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1171:  Called multilib_foreach_abi 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1421:  Called multibuild_foreach_variant '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1126:  Called _multibuild_run '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line 1124:  Called _multilib_multibuild_wrapper 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure'
 *             environment, line  426:  Called multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1165:  Called multilib_src_configure
 *             environment, line 1670:  Called econf 'CC_FOR_BUILD=powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc' '--localstatedir=/var/state/gmp' '--enable-shared' '--enable-assembly' '--enable-fat' '--enable-cxx' '--disable-static'
 *, line  730:  Called __helpers_die 'econf failed'
 *, line  112:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *   		die "$@"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5::gentoo'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1-.ppc'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gmp-6.2.1-r5/work/gmp-6.2.1'

 * IMPORTANT: config file '/etc/locale.gen' needs updating.
 * sections of the emerge man page to learn how to update config files.
29 Jan 2023 03:48:11 UTC: ERROR   : CatalystError: cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
ERROR:catalyst:CatalystError: cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
29 Jan 2023 03:48:11 UTC: ERROR   : Exception running action sequence run_local
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 38, in run_sequence
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1380, in run_local
    cmd([self.settings['controller_file'], 'run'],
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/", line 66, in cmd
    raise CatalystError('cmd(%r) exited %s' % (args, ret), cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
ERROR:catalyst:Exception running action sequence run_local
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 38, in run_sequence
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1380, in run_local
    cmd([self.settings['controller_file'], 'run'],
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/catalyst/", line 66, in cmd
    raise CatalystError('cmd(%r) exited %s' % (args, ret), cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
Command exited with non-zero status 2
1033.80user 232.27system 19:54.50elapsed 105%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 75116maxresident)k
457698inputs+2156968outputs (83major+33293018minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Full build log at /tmp/catalyst-auto.20230129T024715Z.KEfviw/log/ppc32_stage3-openrc.log

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread

* [gentoo-releng-autobuilds] [ppc-auto] Catalyst fatal build error - ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
@ 2023-12-03  4:09 catalyst
  0 siblings, 0 replies; 3+ messages in thread
From: catalyst @ 2023-12-03  4:09 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: releng, gentoo-releng-autobuilds

*** Running command: time catalyst -a -c /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf -f /tmp/catalyst-auto.20231203T023201Z.6ysto1/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
03 Dec 2023 04:05:41 UTC: NOTICE  : Loading configuration file: /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
NOTICE:catalyst:Loading configuration file: /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
03 Dec 2023 04:05:41 UTC: NOTICE  : conf_values[options] = ['autoresume', 'bindist', 'keepwork', 'pkgcache', 'seedcache', 'clear-autoresume']
NOTICE:catalyst:conf_values[options] = ['autoresume', 'bindist', 'keepwork', 'pkgcache', 'seedcache', 'clear-autoresume']
03 Dec 2023 04:05:41 UTC: NOTICE  : Processing spec file: /tmp/catalyst-auto.20231203T023201Z.6ysto1/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
NOTICE:catalyst:Processing spec file: /tmp/catalyst-auto.20231203T023201Z.6ysto1/specs/ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Using target: stage3
NOTICE:catalyst:Using target: stage3
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Accepted source file extensions search order: ['tar.xz', 'tpxz', 'xz', 'tar.bz2', 'bz2', 'tbz2', 'squashfs', 'sfs', 'tar.gz', 'gz', 'tar']
NOTICE:catalyst:Accepted source file extensions search order: ['tar.xz', 'tpxz', 'xz', 'tar.bz2', 'bz2', 'tbz2', 'squashfs', 'sfs', 'tar.gz', 'gz', 'tar']
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Source path set to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z/
NOTICE:catalyst:Source path set to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z/
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Removing AutoResume Points ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Removing AutoResume Points ...
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z
NOTICE:catalyst:Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: unpack
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: unpack
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Resume: Target chroot is invalid, cleaning up...
NOTICE:catalyst:Resume: Target chroot is invalid, cleaning up...
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Removing AutoResume Points ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Removing AutoResume Points ...
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z
NOTICE:catalyst:Emptying directory: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Clearing the chroot path ...
NOTICE:catalyst:Clearing the chroot path ...
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : Starting rsync from /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z/
NOTICE:catalyst:Starting rsync from /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage1-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z/
03 Dec 2023 04:05:42 UTC: NOTICE  : to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z (this may take some time) ..
NOTICE:catalyst:to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z (this may take some time) ..
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: config_profile_link
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: config_profile_link
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: setup_confdir
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: setup_confdir
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: process_repos
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: process_repos
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: bind
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: bind
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: chroot_setup
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: chroot_setup
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : Setting up chroot...
NOTICE:catalyst:Setting up chroot...
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: WARNING : env variables in catalystrc may cause catastrophic failure.
WARNING:catalyst:env variables in catalystrc may cause catastrophic failure.
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: WARNING : If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
WARNING:catalyst:If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : Writing the stage make.conf to: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z/etc/portage/make.conf
NOTICE:catalyst:Writing the stage make.conf to: /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z/etc/portage/make.conf
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : STICKY-CONFIG is enabled
NOTICE:catalyst:STICKY-CONFIG is enabled
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: setup_environment
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: setup_environment
03 Dec 2023 04:06:32 UTC: NOTICE  : --- Running action sequence: run_local
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: run_local
Running in chroot:
    setarch linux32 chroot /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ppc-openrc-20231203T023201Z /tmp/
>>> Regenerating /etc/
emerge --quiet --jobs 12 --load-average 12.0 --usepkg --buildpkg --binpkg-respect-use=y --newuse -e --update --deep --with-bdeps=y @system
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/root-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/man-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/sshd-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/portage-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/audio-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/cdrom-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/dialout-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/disk-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/floppy-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/input-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/kmem-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/kvm-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/lp-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/render-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/sgx-0-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/tape-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/tty-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/usb-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-group/video-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/portage-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/man-1-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for acct-user/sshd-0-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-libs/gmp-6.3.0
 * Using generic C implementation on non-amd64/x86 with USE=cpudetection
 * --enable-fat is a no-op on alternative arches.
 * To obtain an optimized build, set USE=-cpudetection, but binpkgs should not then be made.
>>> Running pre-merge checks for app-crypt/libb2-0.98.1-r3
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/glibc-2.37-r7
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.10.1-r3
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.36
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/util-linux-2.38.1-r2
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-lang/python-3.11.6
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-devel/gettext-0.21.1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for net-misc/openssh-9.4_p1-r1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for dev-lang/python-3.12.0_p1
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-devel/gcc-11.4.1_p20230622
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/portage-3.0.49-r2
 * Determining the location of the kernel source code
 * Unable to find kernel sources at /usr/src/linux
 * Please make sure that /usr/src/linux points at your running kernel, 
 * (or the kernel you wish to build against).
 * Alternatively, set the KERNEL_DIR environment variable to the kernel sources location
 * Unable to calculate Linux Kernel version for build, attempting to use running version
 * Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ...
 [ ok ]
>>> Emerging binary (1 of 273) sys-devel/gnuconfig-20230731::gentoo
>>> Installing (1 of 273) sys-devel/gnuconfig-20230731::gentoo
>>> Completed (1 of 273) sys-devel/gnuconfig-20230731::gentoo
>>> Failed to install sys-devel/gnuconfig-20230731, Log file:
>>>  '/var/tmp/portage/sys-devel/gnuconfig-20230731/temp/build.log'
>>> Extracting info
 * Package:    sys-devel/gnuconfig-20230731:0
 * Repository: gentoo
 * USE:        ppc elibc_glibc kernel_linux
 * FEATURES:   network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox
>>> Extracting sys-devel/gnuconfig-20230731
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.1pnxzvh4/bin/", line 308, in <module>
  File "/var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.1pnxzvh4/bin/", line 304, in ebuild_ipc_main
    return ebuild_ipc.communicate(args)
  File "/var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.1pnxzvh4/bin/", line 156, in communicate
    lock_obj = portage.locks.lockfile(self.ipc_lock_file, unlinkfile=True)
  File "/var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.1pnxzvh4/lib/portage/", line 170, in lockfile
    lock = _lockfile_iteration(
  File "/var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.1pnxzvh4/lib/portage/", line 300, in _lockfile_iteration
    locking_method = portage._eintr_func_wrapper(_get_lock_fn())
  File "/var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.1pnxzvh4/lib/portage/", line 91, in _get_lock_fn
    if _test_lock_fn(
  File "/var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.1pnxzvh4/lib/portage/", line 129, in _test_lock_fn
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 121, in start
    self._popen = self._Popen(self)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 224, in _Popen
    return _default_context.get_context().Process._Popen(process_obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 281, in _Popen
    return Popen(process_obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 19, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 66, in _launch = os.fork()
OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory
 * The ebuild phase 'preinst' has exited unexpectedly. This type of
 * behavior is known to be triggered by things such as failed variable
 * assignments (bug #190128) or bad substitution errors (bug #200313).
 * Normally, before exiting, bash should have displayed an error message
 * above. If bash did not produce an error message above, it's possible
 * that the ebuild has called `exit` when it should have called `die`
 * instead. This behavior may also be triggered by a corrupt bash binary or
 * a hardware problem such as memory or cpu malfunction. If the problem is
 * not reproducible or it appears to occur randomly, then it is likely to
 * be triggered by a hardware problem. If you suspect a hardware problem
 * then you should try some basic hardware diagnostics such as memtest.
 * Please do not report this as a bug unless it is consistently
 * reproducible and you are sure that your bash binary and hardware are
 * functioning properly.
[Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory: b'/usr/bin/sandbox':
   /usr/bin/sandbox /var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.1pnxzvh4/bin/ die_hooks
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/", line 464, in spawn
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/", line 922, in _exec
    os.execve(binary, myargs, env)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/", line 280, in __call__
    rval = self._func(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory: b'/usr/bin/sandbox'
 * The ebuild phase 'die_hooks' has exited unexpectedly. This type of
 * behavior is known to be triggered by things such as failed variable
 * assignments (bug #190128) or bad substitution errors (bug #200313).
 * Normally, before exiting, bash should have displayed an error message
 * above. If bash did not produce an error message above, it's possible
 * that the ebuild has called `exit` when it should have called `die`
 * instead. This behavior may also be triggered by a corrupt bash binary or
 * a hardware problem such as memory or cpu malfunction. If the problem is
 * not reproducible or it appears to occur randomly, then it is likely to
 * be triggered by a hardware problem. If you suspect a hardware problem
 * then you should try some basic hardware diagnostics such as memtest.
 * Please do not report this as a bug unless it is consistently
 * reproducible and you are sure that your bash binary and hardware are
 * functioning properly.
!!! FAILED preinst: 1
Process Process-70:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 314, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/multiprocessing/", line 108, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/util/_async/", line 162, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/dbapi/", line 236, in _run
    rval = mylink.merge(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/dbapi/", line 1905, in wrapper
    return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/dbapi/", line 6069, in merge
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/_emerge/", line 34, in start
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/_emerge/", line 32, in _start
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/_emerge/", line 211, in _start
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/_emerge/", line 244, in _start_post_builddir_lock
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/_emerge/", line 130, in _start
    retval = self._spawn(self.args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/_emerge/", line 60, in _spawn
    return spawn(" ".join(args), self.settings, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/package/ebuild/", line 2093, in spawn
    return spawn_func(mystring, env=mysettings.environ(), **keywords)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/", line 168, in spawn_sandbox
    return spawn(args, opt_name=opt_name, **keywords)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/", line 459, in spawn
    pid = os.fork()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/portage/", line 280, in __call__
    rval = self._func(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory
 * Messages for package dev-libs/gmp-6.3.0:
 * Using generic C implementation on non-amd64/x86 with USE=cpudetection
 * --enable-fat is a no-op on alternative arches.
 * To obtain an optimized build, set USE=-cpudetection, but binpkgs should not then be made.
 * Messages for package sys-apps/portage-3.0.49-r2:
 * Unable to find kernel sources at /usr/src/linux
 * Unable to calculate Linux Kernel version for build, attempting to use running version

03 Dec 2023 04:09:30 UTC: ERROR   : CatalystError: cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
ERROR:catalyst:CatalystError: cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
03 Dec 2023 04:09:30 UTC: ERROR   : Exception running action sequence run_local
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 38, in run_sequence
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1418, in run_local
    cmd([self.settings['controller_file'], 'run'],
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/catalyst/", line 66, in cmd
    raise CatalystError('cmd(%r) exited %s' % (args, ret), cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
ERROR:catalyst:Exception running action sequence run_local
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 38, in run_sequence
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1418, in run_local
    cmd([self.settings['controller_file'], 'run'],
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/catalyst/", line 66, in cmd
    raise CatalystError('cmd(%r) exited %s' % (args, ret), cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage3/', 'run']) exited 1
Command exited with non-zero status 2
174.44user 49.70system 3:50.70elapsed 97%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 88276maxresident)k
700328inputs+4009784outputs (158major+1889862minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Full build log at /tmp/catalyst-auto.20231203T023201Z.6ysto1/log/ppc32_stage3-openrc.log

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread

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Thread overview: 3+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2023-01-28  4:19 [gentoo-releng-autobuilds] [ppc-auto] Catalyst fatal build error - ppc32/stage3-openrc.spec catalyst
  -- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2023-01-29  3:48 catalyst
2023-12-03  4:09 catalyst

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