Subject: [gentoo-releng-autobuilds] [amd64-auto] Catalyst fatal build error - hardened/stage2.spec
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 +0000 (UTC) [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : --- Running action sequence: unpack_snapshot
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : --- Running action sequence: setup_confdir
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : --- Running action sequence: portage_overlay
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : --- Running action sequence: base_dirs
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : --- Running action sequence: bind
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : --- Running action sequence: chroot_setup
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : Setting up chroot...
NOTICE:catalyst:Setting up chroot...
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: WARNING : Overriding certain env variables may cause catastrophic failure.
WARNING:catalyst:Overriding certain env variables may cause catastrophic failure.
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: WARNING : If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
WARNING:catalyst:If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: WARNING : Catalyst assumes you know what you are doing when setting these variables.
WARNING:catalyst:Catalyst assumes you know what you are doing when setting these variables.
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: WARNING : Catalyst Maintainers use VERY minimal envscripts, if used at all.
WARNING:catalyst:Catalyst Maintainers use VERY minimal envscripts, if used at all.
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: WARNING : You have been warned.
WARNING:catalyst:You have been warned.
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : Writing the stage make.conf to: /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/etc/portage/make.conf
NOTICE:catalyst:Writing the stage make.conf to: /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/etc/portage/make.conf
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : STICKY-CONFIG is enabled
NOTICE:catalyst:STICKY-CONFIG is enabled
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : --- Running action sequence: setup_environment
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: setup_environment
15 Jun 2020 00:32:33 UTC: NOTICE : --- Running action sequence: run_local
NOTICE:catalyst:--- Running action sequence: run_local
Copying to /tmp
copying to /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/tmp
copying to /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/tmp
Ensure the file has the executable bit set
Running in chroot:
chroot /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z /tmp/
>>> Regenerating /etc/
Gentoo Linux;
Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors; Distributed under the GPLv2
[[ (0/3) Locating packages ]]
* Using baselayout : >=sys-apps/baselayout-2
* Using portage : sys-apps/portage
* Using os-headers : >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-5.4-r1
* Using binutils : sys-devel/binutils
* Using gcc : sys-devel/gcc
* Using gettext : sys-devel/gettext
* Using libc : sys-libs/glibc:2.2
* Using texinfo : sys-apps/texinfo
* Using zlib : sys-libs/zlib
* Using ncurses : sys-libs/ncurses
[[ (1/3) Configuring environment ]]
[[ (2/3) Updating portage ]]
Performing Global Updates
(Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-apps/portage-2.3.99-r2
* Checking for suitable kernel configuration options...
[ ok ]
>>> Emerging binary (1 of 1) sys-apps/portage-2.3.99-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (1 of 1) sys-apps/portage-2.3.99-r2::gentoo
[[ (3/3) Emerging packages ]]
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-libs/glibc-2.30-r8
* Checking general environment sanity.
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -m64 -pipe -O2 -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed glibc-test.c -o glibc-test
* Checking gcc for __thread support ...
[ ok ]
* Checking running kernel version (4.14.34-gentoo-infra38 >= 3.2.0) ...
[ ok ]
* Checking linux-headers version (5.4.0 >= 3.2.0) ...
[ ok ]
>>> Running pre-merge checks for sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0
>>> Emerging binary (1 of 16) sys-libs/zlib-1.2.11-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (1 of 16) sys-libs/zlib-1.2.11-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (2 of 16) sys-apps/baselayout-2.6-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (2 of 16) sys-apps/baselayout-2.6-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (3 of 16) sys-kernel/linux-headers-5.4-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (3 of 16) sys-kernel/linux-headers-5.4-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (4 of 16) sys-libs/glibc-2.30-r8::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (5 of 16) sys-devel/binutils-2.33.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (4 of 16) sys-libs/glibc-2.30-r8::gentoo
>>> Installing (5 of 16) sys-devel/binutils-2.33.1-r1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (6 of 16) sys-devel/gettext-0.20.1::gentoo
>>> Installing (6 of 16) sys-devel/gettext-0.20.1::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (7 of 16) sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (8 of 16) virtual/perl-File-Spec-3.780.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (9 of 16) dev-perl/Text-Unidecode-1.300.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (8 of 16) virtual/perl-File-Spec-3.780.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (10 of 16) virtual/perl-Carp-1.500.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Installing (9 of 16) dev-perl/Text-Unidecode-1.300.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (11 of 16) virtual/perl-version-0.992.400::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (12 of 16) dev-perl/Unicode-EastAsianWidth-1.330.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (10 of 16) virtual/perl-Carp-1.500.0-r2::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (13 of 16) dev-perl/Class-Inspector-1.320.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (11 of 16) virtual/perl-version-0.992.400::gentoo
>>> Installing (12 of 16) dev-perl/Unicode-EastAsianWidth-1.330.0-r1::gentoo
>>> Installing (13 of 16) dev-perl/Class-Inspector-1.320.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (7 of 16) sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (14 of 16) dev-perl/File-ShareDir-1.104.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (14 of 16) dev-perl/File-ShareDir-1.104.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging binary (15 of 16) dev-perl/libintl-perl-1.310.0::gentoo
>>> Installing (15 of 16) dev-perl/libintl-perl-1.310.0::gentoo
>>> Emerging (16 of 16) sys-apps/texinfo-6.7::gentoo
>>> Failed to emerge sys-apps/texinfo-6.7
* Messages for package sys-apps/baselayout-2.6-r1:
* The following users have non-existent shells!
* halt - /sbin/halt
* shutdown - /sbin/shutdown
* Messages for package sys-devel/gcc-9.3.0:
* If you have issues with packages unable to locate,
* then try running '' on the old gcc versions.
* You might want to review the GCC upgrade guide when moving between
* major versions (like 4.2 to 4.3):
* Messages for package sys-apps/texinfo-6.7:
* ERROR: sys-apps/texinfo-6.7::gentoo failed (compile phase):
* emake failed
* If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=sys-apps/texinfo-6.7::gentoo'`,
* the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=sys-apps/texinfo-6.7::gentoo'`.
* The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/texinfo-6.7/temp/build.log'.
* The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/texinfo-6.7/temp/environment'.
* Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/texinfo-6.7/work/texinfo-6.7'
* S: '/var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/texinfo-6.7/work/texinfo-6.7'
* IMPORTANT: config file '/etc/locale.gen' needs updating.
* sections of the emerge man page to learn how to update config files.
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: ERROR : CatalystError: cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage2/', 'run']) exited 1
ERROR:catalyst:CatalystError: cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage2/', 'run']) exited 1
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/tmp/portage is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/tmp/portage is not a mount point. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: ERROR : CatalystError: Stage build aborting due to error.
ERROR:catalyst:CatalystError: Stage build aborting due to error.
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: ERROR : Exception running action sequence run_local
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1366, in run_local
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/catalyst/", line 54, in cmd
print_traceback=False) cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage2/', 'run']) exited 1
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1471, in run
getattr(self, x)()
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1375, in run_local
print_traceback=False) Stage build aborting due to error.
ERROR:catalyst:Exception running action sequence run_local
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1366, in run_local
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/catalyst/", line 54, in cmd
print_traceback=False) cmd(['/usr/share/catalyst/targets/stage2/', 'run']) exited 1
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1471, in run
getattr(self, x)()
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/catalyst/base/", line 1375, in run_local
print_traceback=False) Stage build aborting due to error.
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : Cleaning up... Running unbind()
NOTICE:catalyst:Cleaning up... Running unbind()
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/tmp/kerncache is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/tmp/kerncache is not a mount point. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/cache/binpkgs is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/cache/binpkgs is not a mount point. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/run is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/run is not a mount point. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/dev/shm does not exist. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/dev/shm does not exist. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/dev/pts does not exist. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/dev/pts does not exist. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/tmp/portage is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/tmp/portage is not a mount point. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/cache/distfiles is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/cache/distfiles is not a mount point. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/db/repos/gentoo is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/var/db/repos/gentoo is not a mount point. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/dev is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/dev is not a mount point. Skipping
15 Jun 2020 00:35:17 UTC: NOTICE : /release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/proc is not a mount point. Skipping
NOTICE:catalyst:/release/buildroot/amd64-dev/tmp/hardened/stage2-amd64-hardened-20200614T214503Z/proc is not a mount point. Skipping
Command exited with non-zero status 2
145.46user 66.41system 2:48.20elapsed 125%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 104680maxresident)k
159288inputs+1861992outputs (3major+10715426minor)pagefaults 0swaps
Full build log at /release/tmp/run/catalyst-auto.20200614T214503Z.T1TUF9/log/hardened_stage2.log
next reply other threads:[~2020-06-15 0:35 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 43+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2020-06-15 0:35 catalyst [this message]
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2020-06-18 0:33 [gentoo-releng-autobuilds] [amd64-auto] Catalyst fatal build error - hardened/stage2.spec catalyst
2019-07-22 7:48 catalyst
2019-07-16 16:10 catalyst
2019-07-16 4:22 catalyst
2017-12-03 21:11 catalyst
2017-12-03 20:47 catalyst
2017-12-03 20:41 catalyst
2017-10-26 3:25 catalyst
2015-11-22 0:53 catalyst
2015-11-16 9:08 catalyst
2015-11-09 9:59 catalyst
2015-11-05 1:29 catalyst
2015-11-01 10:18 catalyst
2015-10-30 7:17 catalyst
2015-10-29 7:04 catalyst
2015-10-26 7:16 catalyst
2015-10-24 4:56 catalyst
2015-10-23 8:11 catalyst
2015-06-29 11:07 catalyst
2015-05-18 8:41 catalyst
2014-12-22 11:23 catalyst
2014-12-19 10:33 catalyst
2014-11-17 13:07 catalyst
2014-11-03 11:55 catalyst
2012-03-15 16:35 catalyst
2012-03-08 16:34 catalyst
2012-03-01 16:37 catalyst
2011-08-11 18:57 catalyst
2011-08-04 19:01 catalyst
2011-07-28 19:08 catalyst
2011-07-21 19:05 catalyst
2011-07-14 20:08 catalyst
2011-07-09 18:52 catalyst
2011-07-07 19:40 catalyst
2011-06-30 19:35 catalyst
2011-06-29 12:31 catalyst
2011-06-16 8:54 catalyst
2011-06-09 19:14 catalyst
2011-06-02 19:06 catalyst
2011-03-31 7:43 catalyst
2011-03-24 9:02 catalyst
2011-03-10 9:49 catalyst
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