On Jul 30, 2012 9:40 AM, "Nikolaj Sjujskij" <sterkrig@myopera.com> wrote:
>> Seems to me that the easiest way to manage this would be to set
>> USE="python2" for portage in the profile, IFF you want to prevent
>> python:3 in the stages.
>> That said, I don't see what the real issue is here. Those that want
>> python:2 and/or python:3 will set USE_PYTHON correctly. I am concerned
>> here that a vocal minority will cause some invasive change that the
>> silent majority cares little about. Some may find the current status
>> annoying, others will find the change annoying (me being one of the
>> latter).
>> Unless someone can provide empirical data to backup any claim, one way
>> or the other, I would strongly suggest that no change be made,
>> especially without further consultation regarding the _proposed_
>> change with the developer and user communities.
>> Thank you for your consideration.
>    I as a user could only +1. I can't see the issue, honestly. Those who
> don't like Python 3, could jolly well mask it and tweak USE_PYTHON /
> PYTHON_TARGETS vars. Using this ugly debianish `python3-3.2` or whatever

Another thing. PYTHON_TARGETS is set in the gentoo profile as 2.7 3
2 as default. If this is true, can we take 3.2 out and make it a user opt-in?

I don't think 3.2 is necessary in a lot of systems/use cases.

> is a step back in my opinion. Quite a lot of users could kepp their
> systems Python2-less. About half of Python modules (at least) work with
> both Python 2 and 3. Heck, even Qt3 and Qt4 were one slotted package!