>>>>> On Wed, 03 May 2023, Michael Orlitzky wrote: [Please keep this thread in -project.] >> This is a friendly reminder that we're nearing (at the end of the day) >> the half-period for this election voting. > My options are "yes" and "no" but there's no indication of what I'm > saying yes/no to. > I'd wager that "yes" means update the GLEP but I'd really rather have > it in writing before voting. Quoting from my original posting, Message-ID: (you can see it on marc.info [1], our own archives are currently down): | Voting for the update of the Gentoo metastructure document (GLEP 39) | is now open. The election is named "metastructure-2023". Not sure why you think they wouldn't be clear, but the options mean: - "yes" means that you vote for the update of the Gentoo metastructure document (GLEP 39). - "no" means that you vote against it. - "blank" means blank ballot. (And let's not start a discussion whether a ballot with the word "blank" on it is blank. :) Ulrich [1] https://marc.info/?l=gentoo-project&m=168232784705569&w=2