From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 2B6DB138334 for ; Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:40:57 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id E9154E08C8; Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:40:55 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::82c]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id AD0E2E08AA for ; Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:40:55 +0000 (UTC) Received: by with SMTP id n6-v6so2995717qtl.4 for ; Thu, 27 Sep 2018 07:40:55 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=subject:to:references:from:openpgp:autocrypt:message-id:date :user-agent:mime-version:in-reply-to:content-language :content-transfer-encoding; bh=WKfckgs7YBaOTmlh3a1ccYPTufKlQaetxUSa/FtkxZs=; b=Mq2Im1IsNextHmDs8QorWjWfQ0wiPcwbO/UFU9B+g50n2g1U822D3RIzD4AVLgYWO8 FlQGcQev42CNNiOxvcAVLUGapuH7Md5sGwwfNBk6bvphwFutfXNM37VqYityPk+ye6VT Ml5OGCC/fVKrH+8usYBE9z6AJpqSZ1ZaBPt8SSNuN54BUKXDo7tpciyRPVmFn92Zvlq3 ineVDPtE7sQQoFS5/tD/VUh9lU3Ha9taeBgrcj2EZqHRUiHAUwQ1/jHSOsfmXDfK/CBT EuMv8qllflbJj6dSG83phIIfG/7GSGbUuFZ9/448reYiDuhfKIrYaimfYn+VSUPveMVH BU0g== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:subject:to:references:from:openpgp:autocrypt :message-id:date:user-agent:mime-version:in-reply-to :content-language:content-transfer-encoding; bh=WKfckgs7YBaOTmlh3a1ccYPTufKlQaetxUSa/FtkxZs=; b=SU3ZObipWbjy4UhFP4YfRrJifiOZGh99RsAi+JL+8a5rFuCt6+7uKu6XSokxrZwrFu Lmkz702/7IVpYknnMzl6otdCjaoWvv7asV4xTQ05Dxb9iO8Dq7DxLTlb/BHL08hiE/vP 56rviEgCEJ34VPCAnYscUYGZDnuufZJyURtAxTOMSslALzCxCtV164xz//ltobWYEu6T OKO0NE7oRCsBHy2HBJv55HObYgfpn4zEQhmh2nF0aR6fFSSzK15yvM5XI3M/t93dvMzf 7P3ddGcwy/vvoV59hpYJWreeVskl/HZdwvIfAH8ZpL8v5enxMNcEvhigX4W8fSwHk/Nm eseA== X-Gm-Message-State: ABuFfoiGPrV4hvbn2sv/ctL4G3kvVgaDmuItxCQgMbzfUUktydxDwTW5 uRw4UrWA17GtJmdJ65hCNLDugndf X-Google-Smtp-Source: ACcGV61QKs27dYWWOMFaIVDiwFJkfTGqz84CvJFPEMFqnoQfheXXCBOD7K5k72Es7j1gVvXbm3ypfA== X-Received: by 2002:a0c:a89a:: with SMTP id x26-v6mr56272qva.241.1538059248967; Thu, 27 Sep 2018 07:40:48 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ?IPv6:2604:6000:130f:8578:5e26:aff:fe7e:5367? ([2604:6000:130f:8578:5e26:aff:fe7e:5367]) by with ESMTPSA id h58-v6sm1441230qtk.60.2018. for (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128); Thu, 27 Sep 2018 07:40:47 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [gentoo-project] [RFC] GLEP 76: Copyright Policy [v4] To: References: <> <> <> <> From: kuzetsa Openpgp: preference=signencrypt Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= xsFNBFAAvSMBEACekA6f2B5X9zrQGsSvo1hZZ81cNu13WyZy66VS0JKGR17eSONbRN29h8FF sWEdXDnG4l7IcsaGynKkoMZHJKCl75aOW7y68ef7AzGnSabRSQmx6916VwhRrNPzBaAfb4qr 7YhrbX1whf5Rya1M1IWGPNez4QhPxaQBVP4mbE+csKeOEIpKQ2ZYo9q3uGso6rMj4nlh3I9P gVA5w6MX+G7JhcS9xgq/uIPIkZtX6w4xIhG4mfxg4kGARl4pf2eyF/KRCUww9J4geiIgkdMX VNV/jC/imb5GAnrPW9ZLdd5iZa/kUtsW5e/G/VNS0pdDjRABcm9hKeoLE3U8iCCLlu2+vrMM Rr8Ln4LeFg4JQ/Dyg38U8ZG7bu/CcVi3gG3B5m99LdAhiGX+ZgR7gvOzjddLhtIovVPOak7h Owzn1R5Y5H3eCfKfGjVGGdyih7lMxYVlrFVZbeJggk4UkBrOsdqabgx3Yu/fqF6MGlh0bOIt 85w0k/vjzSaa4XfzVh7LIpnGa8OIVrj963fYjYNjPKr2locKINUy4XbsXmgzOwdfQw6VEtno qNqeS3/1I5oWFq3aJUbGaYzQ+ngDUfb2rrRdbCVFkHzX9lCifjQfeBtFLgJsSgkb/k0lby2V 3Hiv/tMpRBq2mYGN0jq7ldm+aN7fKIgR3qJgGWKVD1qJfE24VwARAQABzSRTYXJhaCBXaGl0 ZSA8a3V6ZXRzYUBwb2luZGV4dGVyLm92aD7CwZAEEwEIADsCGyMFCwkIBwIGFQoJCAsCBBYC AwECHgECF4AWIQQwfzEOnm1uw4oeqaa+TU79BSl8ZwUCW6x8xgIZAQAKCRC+TU79BSl8Z0QP D/jadN2l5lyzYvc7kVe0xxMxw18xVSKpBUCYn9g8f5QhxNFqRVYugF+XIAtY/S5ibd3KwwUb 3nqtLll9L1IJWqE4gK2gT6teYu7SEJ3d9H4/pQpyWzXONdcthao9ufe7fRuqH9bbhtWxNkrP LDYtH3Cx+C753bUThP0MYiz4HFb5PBc0RpuENIPocObyxiCrRtoZeSbMeCVI1jyATRh04C/y t/rLbdPQztLuoothnRU831u/KO8bflJUy1L20B8WO8EK2ssgkysplhE+5lCZ3fmA7+LZ/qGO BanEQdvtppJQ+CNnS/AWYhnAvp1Tzbn7ZZtCiSsTvfuE3RG0oU0Z0ClnUptfn+bjUvGV/Xse iY4xuQa9x4umQjYIJMRKrFs+zebS60k+h7Bz4KzhGZK8i/eMHVIuS+yZRCRSAiXRsWWu/pwt 0rit7dYe5sKEvYYq5hmtGZtjfcQa4VPfSGFF+vblO9YdFGO23Y/AFLS5bR6B+UoLRL/l4+R3 XudGIhb56QeHEVNJXGA3fMtRUErNUfJkh38uTKVCzZe8IAjWWQ8WLF9TBXoJqleDLDiLnFRK rmPUYkagB+3PKOSlGJRElskU+R45eVv/6wENpZW7Sq8cRuIHgeB7gei64ou6A6/XSPOwp6OZ XDyX6tHRVdmLPcsJyRL6oEK0D+3vejAb1piFzsFNBFAAvSMBEACcwelGdl0EqexFc/58Q+bt Z85IdFiQ1eRN17YPCQ9RHXCPoryfZqLKsNgvdqHzzzYQWN5DrMyR1hGVkyS+bQ7AUXiswxWy S/lv4HOfHe3srtjier5ypgkITYLKo+YB0BhNKZPNbFlIEKpl2BvVN/1wx5Yrb99jCwEbaoEK xy1qoPIcrnVPfnjHteZ09VQHZgpIYzMRgZA9RxZeAIr+9sCnLk9UbrTwg6bz7t1/YevZePUl vGcj6ietTJQKp3ADBj3UuVZlvYPKwafDW+vQPuhrNMoboivVm0L7Q6ZIonNhp1xEhxgjtxPT 47rCJX6CBbeSLRkmPD9wffAAJUXhIDu3gDw19kbLUb5Ug9f8OSh/6W9p6mDf5F7o/eOKLVwz xibWXGT5oHkgZrkjTS3U1OCZXFEE0qoMtkKj3RKMOa0AGIG/uM0dvRmHfLZ4Ei6m7nQen2cD NYOGq0wnpUfOzsKnIdwJzy02QSWMqu4SuqU0wpurW1YdcqYhQGswfCtAO+ZPDK/6diqM4bwk DTzOWxsZUpQaArjW5gVUp9j9ShM8Yprj0s+H8Rbqdro8GKn6jA69ojApD7ksI/r8duvDyWOr heIrUL/d9z4V2UEJqOJN+I8sqUVt0RsSN7Pcm5WyKzQan6p13iRNHyM4612F++MwEQaTQSM1 FMjo7H/SEitk+QARAQABwsFfBBgBAgAJBQJQAL0jAhsMAAoJEL5NTv0FKXxnszYP/RTft8Rk qwpaAQ4piq7dS310NWmxN3ig1N/2rlR6sYTIxQrr2FD21h/DwZ6JA4bROcp4epZrmvZRqYjs FA7fNr6Hm71G7cU/msZN1Tqm/XI3OQmG2eKNsYu5OEY9ALRGHQC66UeyfND+5RC4+wBz/+Cf rVZoP1rkivY+TaYDqScy2KnuXIDGpzcXHxQWf1Se/Wn3nHo9QhixlHmLFY8gE0XgugKZL7in Z1jZcqMjK8/9d0WErrCRMu5WmGYBB1OFZsMxXZAd6sI11ILiVhzmcYCqOT7fpnpTIELDWEZm atl62DO4AznO8QTj+puB4x1WrKhLZ/fRxAXVvQgd4xHdXhl1qv+BBBlCrA89vbs7RnXS+Sy1 OSR/C7Os4xDmAcUGpPpWEEHOWUKTgQDWNKHSuI+j29WTq7FedewTRKIU0oKygUikJ7+fbWue x0bTu8w8hbFKovWsHK5nVy9F2k3JnfdQZWL+byxVa1aq59aiOep1qnLCJLNAFoxfuFSI8QRV wRyuruB+/af3NfjU+2T9E7hmgSlPUACuxzu2eOKjLNjAu34FBv9VOqskTP0jIwpJHoKFQQWR lXJLKaVN0vClBp1lqegRsdLQbU0bZ2uYWUrHWzLEPhrWpJ1bVaFoIytLhdL6EKkx5nhfmYTq sFdfkmk54/J+iTXdjvnZBURJKuLP Message-ID: Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 10:40:46 -0400 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.9.1 Precedence: bulk List-Post: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Id: Gentoo Project discussion list X-BeenThere: Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Language: en-US Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Archives-Salt: 541b5bbb-092f-4a84-857f-15cc916ab242 X-Archives-Hash: d5a12686ffd796a3dcc5906266d3cc87 On 09/27/2018 10:32 AM, Michał Górny wrote: > On Thu, 2018-09-27 at 09:52 -0400, NP-Hardass wrote: >> On 09/27/2018 08:42 AM, Rich Freeman wrote: >>> On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 8:00 AM NP-Hardass wrote: >>>> >>>> On 09/26/2018 03:25 PM, Ulrich Mueller wrote: >>>>> Here is another small update of the copyright GLEP, resulting from a >>>>> recent discussion on IRC. This is not a change of policy, but merely >>>>> a clarification of the real name requirement: >>>>> >>>>> - The Signed-off-by line must contain the name of a natural person. >>>>> >>>>> - A copyright holder can be a legal entity (e.g., a company) in some >>>>> jurisdictions. >>>>> >>>> >>>> IANAL, but as per the Berne Convention, anonymous and pseudonymous works >>>> are granted copyright protection. What's the rationale behind mandating >>>> a real name? >>> >>> The DCO/GCO have nothing to do with obtaining copyright protection. >>> This is always present if not waived. >>> >>> It is about showing due diligence in the event somebody claims that >>> somebody ripped off their work and contributed it to Gentoo without >>> authorization. >>> >>> If your real name is attached to a statement saying that you didn't >>> steal the work, and you did steal the work, then they can go after you >>> as well as Gentoo. That deters contributing stuff without checking on >>> its legality. That same deterrence also helps show good faith on >>> Gentoo's part. This is why organizations generally pursue these >>> policies. >>> >>> If somebody violates a copyright anonymously, then they have no skin >>> in the game. They can just disappear if anything bad happens. If a >>> contributor isn't willing to stake their own money and reputation on >>> the statement that something is legal to contribute, then why should >>> Gentoo assume that they've put a lot of effort into the accuracy of >>> that statement? >>> >> >> And, AFAICT, this only applies to the Signed-off-by line (the >> committer). The author may be anonymous or pseudonymous... So, your >> statement is that people making commits to Gentoo must have real >> names... and be public. This doesn't have any impact on whether the >> source of the code is legit, just gives you a point of blame for who >> actually committed it (which, TBH, doesn't mean much). I can say John >> Doe committed code that wasn't legal. But i_steal_code_1337 authored >> it... I guess we know not to accept code from him... or do we... since >> we have no way of vetting authors. Making the restriction of names for >> committers and not authors, IMO, has no weight. Requiring that all >> contributions be from real named sources is a pretty drastic change, and >> not what is being proposed, TTBOMK. >> >> But that's really besides the point... The current status quo (as is the >> case with me) is that a committer may be pseudonymous under the >> condition that the Foundation have that individual's name in the event >> of a copyright issue. So, I still don't understand how forcing everyone >> to publicly use a real name achieves something that we aren't currently >> achieving... Is that incorrect? >> > > Gentoo publishes a number of open source projects. The code of those > projects is used beyond Gentoo and beyond Gentoo Foundation. Therefore, > it is natural that we need all the copyright assessments and agreements > to be *public* and not hidden behind some opaque Foundation which may or > may not actually have the data (how can a regular Gentoo user be sure of > that?), and which may or may not choose to actually disclose it. > > As for the case with you, I think the 'status quo' is more complex but > that's beside the point, and I don't think it would be helpful to anyone > expanding on that. > for what it's worth, when I originally realized I didn't need to author commits using my legal name I came to that decision after a discussion with NP-Hardass. Just sayin'