On 2018-11-14 10:31 a.m., Rich Freeman wrote: > On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 6:36 AM Andrew Savchenko wrote: >> IMO the best solution will be to recommend "Gentoo Authors" >> attribution, but to allow additional copyright lines including the >> case where "Gentoo Authors" is one of such lines. > > IMO doing this will just cause everybody and their uncle to insist on > putting their names in various places. > I think the impact of allowing multi-line traditional copyright in the gentoo repo (which is acceptable according to GLEP 76, but not necessarily according to repo policy right now) is going to be minimal, to be honest. The vast majority of us I expect will be happy with "Copyright [years] Gentoo Authors" simplified attribution. It's also plenty easy enough to discourage the use of traditional copyright attribution by requiring a copyright audit be done whenever something gets converted from simplified to traditional -- that will be PLENTY enough of a pain to keep it from being performed except when corporate legal departments require it.