On 6/22/20 9:18 AM, Michał Górny wrote: > Hello, > > Here's another question for the Council nominees. I'd like to ask > the Council members to disclose their corporate affiliations, > in particular whether they are employed or in partnership with companies > using Gentoo or Gentoo derivatives. > > This is because I believe that the electorate deserves to know whether > their elected Council member may end up being in conflict of interest > between doing what's right by the wide community and what's requested by > his employer. > Hi, I'm a bit late to the party, was away without internet access most of the week. I work at Sony / PlayStation, like some other people do. Things I do at dayjob have very little in common with gentoo work I'm doing or interested in, but the following exceptions: - I maintain handful of python packages, nothing critical here, some will be dropped after py3.6 goes away completely. - I maintain openjdk* for work purposes. and icedtea*, because I have to and nobody else will. While only one JDK variant I use at dayjob, I do extra work for community, maintaining openjdk8 openjdk11 openjdk8-bin openjdk11-bin openjdk-jre-bin icedtea(via proxying upstream) icedtea-bin on amd64 arm arm64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le x86 with a mix of openjfx and musl(soon). That's a lot of builds. The equipment to maintain jdk on all those platforms is my own or provided by Gentoo (qemu does not work for it, cross is questionable). I don't receive guidance or requests from employer on how gentoo and/or council work should be done, decisions are mine, community comes first. The only real requirement is assigning copyright properly. That's it. I almost never commit from work, because work done at my own time using my or gentoo equipment, hence my commits are not copyrighted. Feel free to ask questions if you have any. Regards, Georgy.