> That said, would I be correct to surmise that
you're advancing a
> robustness issue and not simply a performance
Yes, my interest here is in robustness, not performance.
Sometimes I
have to use unreliable uplink and other users may face
the same
I agree that in most cases git should be a preferred way
to go, but
there are exceptions. So it would be nice to have rsync
backup just
in case.
Daily or weekly portage snapshots available via rsync
should be a
solution as well.
Two things here. One is that in an ideal world we
would run no rsync service and any design should keep
that outcome in mind. Operationally we should continue
to offer rsync until these types of problems are
addressed by the new system.
The second is that in this case I think the plan is
to, as Robin mentioned, offer "git bundles" that are
over raw http and support resume-able downloads. So
instead of downloading an "rsync snapshot" you download
a git bundle over http. Infra would offer these git
bundles in a similar way to existing rsync snapshot
offerings[0]. These bundles would be applied to a
machine local clone of a git repo. Does this
conceptually address your problem? I agree it will be
difficult to know outside of actual practical testing.
is one example of the current system. Instead of
tarballs of an 'rsync tree' these would be git
bundles[1] that you fetch and apply locally. We would
support a worldwide mirror network for these bundles.
Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko