This is really amazing and a new low for Gentoo all around. Many likely have no knowledge. This side steps Comrel, and any other Gentoo entities. There are no open bugs, there is no record or any mention.... Yesterday I noticed my history of past commits to Gentoo disappeared from my Github account. I went to watch/star/fork Gentoo repos and I could not. Having contacted Github over such. It turns out I was blocked from Gentoo organization on Github. That is entirely unacceptable, and without any reason. At best it is over comments on this PR. Which I have mentioned several times on this mailing list and -dev. The submitter was VERY upset to see it closed. My comments there HARDLY justify any action be taken.... There is another open for over a year I just discussed with fordfrog/Miroslav Šulc. Which he was requesting my help to test address. Why it has not been committed to tree. I used to maintain Tomcat. Other than me, Miroslav/fordfrog is the only other with such experience to be able to test out such changes, etc. I can only assume this was mgorny/Michał Górny. He recently showed up in #gentoo-java IRC asking about those PRs. I responded to him, and he ignored me, no surprise. Thus I am not to shocked at the blocking on Github. Though this goes entirely against any Gentoo policy on taking any such action against a developer. Much less a member of the community. Even after stuff in December. I was not blocked, banned, indefinitely from any Gentoo resource. At it seems I am now from Github. Even worse, a repo Miroslav Šulc/fordfrog created on a project I had direct commit access to I am now blocked from. I know neither Miroslav Šulc/fordfrog or Benda XU/heroxbd would want me restricted from that respository. This is really unacceptable and needs to be reversed immediately. Anyone including myself that has been blocked from Gentoo github should have that block removed. Someone needs to start paying attention to the people who are managing Gentoo on Github. They are clearly doing what ever they want. Not following any Gentoo policies. Not filing any bugs, or any records of their actions. This is not how organizations of any form should operate. This could never happen within Gentoo. This is abuse of a 3rd party resource a limited few have administrative control over, without oversight. -- William L. Thomson Jr.