starting a dedicated thread for GH provides a lot of functionality for free that Gentoo infra does not cover. these are particularly useful for projects that are used beyond Gentoo. * release management (e.g. distfiles hosting) * CI runs (e.g. GH actions) * Projects for task management * possibly even Discussions since it'll provide a clear/scoped space for non-Gentoo users & devs. Gentoo forums are huge and require custom accts, and mailing lists are huge and a bit restrictive old timey. this is all orthogonal to the git content itself (objects, branches, tags, etc...). those should remain in the read-only clobber mode that exists now. there is no downside for Gentoo here. it's all functionality that can be had for free, does not introduce any risks, and many devs are already using GH heavily for Gentoo projects -- albeit, they don't do it under the Gentoo umbrella, they fork it into their own personal space and maintain it there. we shouldn't be forcing devs & projects away from Gentoo for such basic functionality. -mike