On 2016.10.07 02:06, Rich Freeman wrote: > NP already gave a good response but I wanted to elaborate on the > conflict of interest topic. > > In any case, anybody who is in both Comrel and Council is only on the > Council because they were elected as such. So, they already have the > trust of most of the community. I don't personally get why you'd > trust them with the bigger decisions and not with the smaller ones as > well, but... > Well, we can vote council out if we don't like the decisions they make. Council decisions are reached after public ML discussions and often, debate in #gentoo-council. Comrel is quite different. comrel membership is by invitation, valid indefinitely. Comrel membership is only approved by comrel, I think. I don't recall any votes on comrel membership. Council have an annual mandate from the body of Gentoo devs. Devrel had a mandate from council but that's not been renewed since 2007, unless I missed a vote somewhere. > > -- > Rich > > > As you said in a later post, On 2016.10.07 16:09, Rich Freeman wrote: [snip] > I think it makes far more sense to have Comrel vetted by the Council. > If you don't trust somebody to be wielding that power, you shouldn't > put them on the Council. > > -- > Rich > That addresses lots of concerns all in one go. Comrel get their annual mandate. The community know that council are peeking into comrel to see if its still alive and that its still operating as intended. Its more work for council to do the job properly. It also means that council members would see things that they don't usually see unless there was an appeal. Thus council can provide a general assurance to the community about all the good things comrel do that are currently privileged. -- Regards, Roy Bamford (Neddyseagoon) a member of elections gentoo-ops forum-mods