On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 12:33 PM, Rich Freeman <rich0@gentoo.org> wrote:

> I'm replying here mainly to clarify how things work for those who may
> not understand.
> To be fair the Council does oversee comrel, sort-of.
> To some extent Council oversees everything.  For QA this is formalized
> with the lead being confirmed by Council.  There has been discussion
> of doing the same with Comrel, though I don't think this has happened
> yet.

Thanks for your post, it is very informative and helpful.

In may case, I consider this thread to be "fair game" considering the
frothing-at-the-mouth vile responses from mgorny, trying to spread FUD that
I am coming back to take over the project, and the 'proceduralitis analus'
responses from ulm, where he tries to pretend he's offended at everything
and his silly attempts to create a false narrative where I am calling
everyone assholes, insulting everyone, etc etc.

Clearly, these guys don't feel beholden to anyone, ComRel or otherwise, in
terms of their conduct, so why should I have to be polite too? We can just
'get it on'. They set the standard -- I am simply responding in kind. At
least I am backing up my claims with actual logs, and my claims happen to
be true.

And everyone -- to be clear, I am only calling mgorny and ulm assholes, and
anyone who thinks that they are awesome. Mgorny is of the large, smelly
variety, and ulm is cute and pink, somewhat more pleasant... but we all
know what species of body part they are. And I am of the opinion that the
Gentoo development motto should be "we don't do anal." I'm willing to do my
part to make that happen. Also, that slogan would work really well on a
t-shirt. "Gentoo Development Team: We don't do anal". Let's define a
culture that values friendliness and fun. What cooler way than to have a
dev team t-shirt with that slogan on it?
