Maybe I should have reflected more on the original post before replying too. When I read the original post, it seemed to be a sincere resignation email. Upon further reflection, I do feel that it was unprofessional to call individuals out -- *even if* the account was 100% accurate (which it appears there is some doubt about.) If someone had a bad experience as a dev for Gentoo, then fine -- share your experience in the hopes that things will improve. But don't name names. That isn't professional. If you didn't have a good experience, yes, that's legitimate feedback.It provides an opportunity to look at the *project as a whole* and say 'how can we do things better' by improving processes, etc. so that new devs have a better experience. That can be shared without calling individuals out. It is not necessary or helpful to defame people. Mgorny was maligned in the post. That wasn't right, and for my part I apologize for 'grabbing the bait' and accepting the original poster's account at face value. So, my new, amended response to the original poster: Ugh. I am sincerely sorry you had a bad experience. Critical feedback is welcome. But let's not defame people. Perpetuating hostility towards individuals, even if perceived as being deserved, if anything just makes things worse and undermines your points. And to solve any problems, the solution needs to be geared towards finding ways to improve the project as a whole rather than 'punishing' individuals. So we need to get out of that mindset to move forward. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind. Sincerely, -Daniel On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 8:00 PM, Matthew Thode wrote: > On 17-12-16 00:34:03, Daniel Campbell wrote: > > > > mgorny again showed up; this time accusing me of being a "do-nothing > > politician". Thankfully, I kept an activity log of everything I did for > > the Foundation, and `git log` will show you > > everything I did in the tree. Yes, I made mistakes. Some of them rookie > > ones. But given that I wasn't being paid for my work, and time spent > > on Gentoo meant time I couldn't spend on other things (like personal > > projects), I needed to make a value decision: was I willing to continue > > donating labor to an organization that didn't notice my work unless > > I screwed up? If I was truly as ineffectual as those who claimed it > > (rich0), what was the point of continuing? The cricitism I received > > during my time as a developer was demotivating and didn't acknowledge > > any of the *correct* things I did; how exactly was I going to improve? > > > > zlg has made comments about rich0 that he as been asked to verify. As > there has been no response to the request for more information, the > Trustees are retracting the comment and wish to apologize to rich0 for > the inconvenience. > > -- > Matthew Thode (prometheanfire) > President, Gentoo Foundation >