Dear All, tl;dr: I've finally reached v2.0_pre (aka, "slidey-timey-wimey") of the Gentoo Galaxy Visualization. I've taken into account a number of issues: - A slider to go across time very quickly - The ability to go forwards or backwards arbitrarily through time - The "year" labels are separately clickable from the streamgraph display itself. - Highlight a dev with the url parameter: ?dev=YOURNICK - The timey-wimey streamgraph shows the specified developer's activity during their tenure: - The dark purple == commits - The lighter purple == bugs - The timey-wimey will automatically jump to the first appearance and play the animation until the dev's last appearance in the timeline. - The stop button pauses the animation. Toggling the stop button after that will show toggle between: - Full historical context of the current month (includes inactive and retired developers) - Only active people in the current month As always, this is a work in progress. I'd love any and all feedback to help improve this display. Before 2.0 final: - More information (including legends and tooltips) about the developer-specific streamgraph - Bug fixes as they come up - Feature requests (tweaky/adjusty ones) I love seeing everyone's different shapes and patterns. I hope you enjoy it too. Cheers, Seemant