Welcome aboard, Aaron!  Great to see you be part of the team!

Your nick made me think of Ruby Rhod's rap in "The Fifth Element"


Happy Thursday,

seemantk Empathic Design

Data Visualization | Tech. Team Turnarounds | Customer Experience

On 26 February 2015 at 00:00, Justin (jlec) <jlec@gentoo.org> wrote:
Dear everyone,

it is a pleasure for me to introduce Aaron (bman) Bauman as out latest addition
to the dev team. And again we see a long time user from the "the early bootstrap
days" joining.

He has been contributing to Gentoo to various places including net-misc,
app-emulation and dev-python. But he is especially interested in networking
related topics including routing and switching. This will also be his first area
to work in, but he also expressed interest in finding a niche in the KDE team.

No lines from himself, as he asked us to not release it publicly, but I am sure
He will tell you more when asking him directly.

Please join me in giving him a warm welcome!
