To whom it may concern, This email contains notifications about the 2020 Trustee Election [1], as well as the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM of the Gentoo Foundation Inc is scheduled as follows: Date & Time: 2020/08/23 03:00 UTC. Location: Freenode IRC network, #gentoo-trustees A further reminder of the AGM will be sent closer to the date, as per bylaw 3.4. The 2020 Trustee Election will be held over June, July and August. Nominations will be open for three weeks, starting on June 21st - July 5th Voting will take place over three weeks, starting July 10th - July 31st. Only Foundation members as of the recording date may vote. [2] Only active Gentoo developers who are also Foundation members may be nominated. [1] Nominations MUST be made by posting to, and the nominated candidate must accept not later than the end of the nomination period. The formal recording date is taken as of June 14th. Please apply for foundation membership before then. The new trustees will take their seats during the AGM on August 23. Trustees serve a two year term and retire by rotation every year. This year, b-man and prometheanfire retire by rotation. [3] Thus, there are 2 seats on the board of trustees to be contested. [1] [2] [3]