On 13/02/18 04:58, Dean Stephens wrote:
> On 02/12/18 11:55, William Hubbs wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 08:53:24AM -0700, Daniel Robbins wrote:
>>> How about if they just abstain from any votes where there may be a conflict
>>> of interest? I would hate to limit the ability of people to contribute
>>> technically just because they were elected to council.
>> The confusing thing about this is, how would we define "conflict of
>> interest"?
>> Suppose that the council decides to accept an appeal from comrel. Is it
>> a conflict of interest for a member of the council who is also a member
>> of comrel to vote in the appeal? If it isn't, it is at least a pretty
>> strong perception that it is.
> Why? How? Exactly what sort of conflicting interest is supposed to be
> present?
There seems to be two divergent schools of thinking here:
1) Those that think that there is, or could be, (potential for) a
conflict of interest,
and 2) Those that cannot conceive there even could be a conflict of
I think it would be useful for both sides to state their cases, and
perhaps this particular issue could have its bike-shed painted once, and
for good.....