On Mar 27, 2012 10:43 PM, "Sven Vermeulen" <swift@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 09:50:19AM +0200, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> > 3. New udev and separate /usr partition (30 minutes)
> >
> > See [4]: "Decide on whether a separate /usr is still a supported
> > configuration. If it is, newer udev can not be stabled and
> > alternatives should be investigated. If it isn't, a lot of
> > documentation will have to be updated. (And an alternative should
> > likely still be provided.)"
> Is it truely that much documentation? The handbook doesn't suggest separate
> /usr anymore (all example partitions use a single / file system), and the
> necessary changes to setup an initramfs are being prepared (cfr bugs related
> to bug #407959).
> There will be some updates in the quickinstall for raid/lvm, but that's
> hardly a minor update to the document.
> We might want to provide an initramfs-guide to explain the concepts and the
> various methods for generating one (as well as debugging), but that too
> might not be the most difficult thing out there (there's still time for
> that, no)?
> Wkr,
> Sven Vermeulen
Alternatively, suggest using mdev in place of udev. So, there will be 3 options:
1) /usr on the same partition as / -- can use mdev or udev
2) /usr on a separate partition; this leads to :
2a) If one wants to use udev, one must use initramfs
2b) If one does not want to use an initramfs, one must use mdev
This will give the user a CHOICE, and that's the essence of Gentoo.