2013/10/1 Ulrich Mueller <ulm@gentoo.org>
No idea from me on 1st question, up to Markos to decide.

> 2. The last section uses the term "enforcer". According to
> Merriam-Webster dictionary:
>   Definition of ENFORCER
>   1 :  one that enforces
>   2 a :  a violent criminal employed by a crime syndicate;
>          especially : hit man 1
>     b :  player (as in ice hockey) known for rough play and fighting
> It looks like the word has negative connotations and should be
> avoided. (The current CoC uses "proctor" instead.) But maybe native
> speakers could comment on this?

We had proctors project which failed up horribly, thats why I put something
else that does not have the stigma.
But I like the hitman note :)
Anyway definition 1 "one that enforces" is sufficient in my eyes, so I am
for keeping it in place.

> 3. The text should use consistent spelling. Currently, both British
> ("behaviour") and American ("honored") spelling variants occur.

Yeah that needs fixing, I used british when I wrote it but copyied stuff
use US one.

As we are US based org any American willing to fix it? :)
