On 01/14/2017 03:43 PM, Andreas K. Huettel wrote: > > Motivation: In recent vivid debates the Gentoo metastructure and the > responsibilities of its organs have been called into question by a vocal > minority. Compared with how the distribution has been running over the last > years, most of the proposals aim to adapt reality to organizational > structures. This proposal instead aims - in a very similar way as Michael's > SPI proposal - to adapt organizational structures to reality. I don't think I agree with this, characterizing my proposal as adapting reality to organizational structures is the exact opposite of what I'm trying to achieve. I'd go as far as to say we both want to adapt organizational structures to reality, and each of us may see that as different. For me it's the legal reality. I'm not sure the Gentoo Council being put above the Foundation would work. Mainly because we'd still have the 'two headed beast', though in a different way. The Foundation would be beholden to both the US government and the Council. Administration following technical requirements is mostly fine, however, when a technical person tells the foundation to do something that's not allowed then at that point it makes sense for things to be dictated in the other direction. I'm not sure I agree with [C]. I don't think the Foundation is looking to tell the council what to do in purely technical matters, only in matters that have some bearing in a legal or financial way. Much has been said about [D] for why the Foundation should not oversee Gentoo as a whole (even though legally that's what we already do...). In the past the Foundation has been lax in renewal of some things, but I do believe that this is something that is firmly in the past. It has not been the case for years. I think that any change needs to happen from both sides, which is the main reason I tried to reach out to the council a couple of months ago. Antagonism from either side isn't going to help things move along but probably distract from actual goals (like this email probably is). -- Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)