This should never have been posted on -dev in the first place .. so here's the more appropriate place for discussion ..

Oh Mikle, you better ban me from this list y'know .. this is confidential info on a public list again ..

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Bug 708986] veremitz: abusing the ML for frivolous chatter
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 08:22:05 +0000
Reply-To: DO NOT REPLY <devnull@localhost.invalid>

Comment # 14 on bug 708986 from
(In reply to Michael 'veremitz' Everitt from comment #13)
> Seriously guys, if you're gonna enact a ban, get on with it, otherwise it
> looks like you're taking the piss when you threaten actions and never follow
> through until weeks afterwards because $procedure $policy and general lag
> and incompetence and disinterest from the parties involved.
> As the great proverb once said (and I hear this translates adequately well
> into non-English) .. Shit or Get Off the Pot.
> OK?
> [and you wonder why this whole process/procedure thing looks so broken and
> stupid from the outside, or even from the inside.....]
> Yes, I'm actually advocating for my own  ban. GET ON WITH IT.

Please leave your hissy fit outside gentoo, nobody must read it here.

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