On 01/06/2017 11:13 AM, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
> Am Freitag, 6. Januar 2017, 10:57:49 CET schrieb William L. Thomson Jr.:
>>> The other side is that we can't predict worldwide legal impact, and that
>>> it
>>> may well be disadvantageous for someone in another country to officially
>>> be
>>> member of a US legal body.
>> US tends to be the most free and open. Most FOSS projects with a structure
>> are in the US. The SPI is in the US.
>> Not saying there is interest, but if Gentoo was say moved to another
>> country. That may further fall under export restrictions even for an open
>> entity. Assets would have to be transferred etc.
> That's not what I mean. 
> Assume it becomes illegal in a third country to be member of a US-based 
> foundation. What then?
> Also we're not only speaking about illegal versus legal here.
re-incorporation somewhere else?  I think that is worrying about
something very unlikely though.

Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)