Hi everyone, I would like to introduce to you Kristian Fiskerstrand (K_F) as a new developer and package maintainer. He is another longtime user (started using Gentoo a decade ago) who finally turned into a dev. Contact to the user base and the dev team was always important to him, for example at the famous FOSDEM dinners, "which was probably the tipping point" for him to join. I love to see that real life contacts are bringing the community closer together and motivate contributions. He is very much interested in OpenGPG and knows the GnuPG and gnutls codebase quite well, so he will start* working around these two topics in the tree. Other contributions he already did, where to the gentoo-keys project [1] and generally the security project. Here are some lines from himself: I live in Oslo, Norway where I'm working in Finance. I have a wide variety of hobbies, most notably a few related to computers, in particular a strong interest in computer security, most focused on OpenPGP, in which I run the sks-keyservers.net pool of keyservers, and am one of the upstream developers of SKS. Besides that I'm a connoisseur of sorts, so you will occasionally hear me rant about cigars, wine, whisky and food - much of which we enjoy talking about in the cigar lounge in the late 17th century basement of my cigar store in Oslo. So please join me in giving him a warm welcome, Justin P.s. I have to admit that this announcement comes really, really late; too late. Sorry Kristian and everyone, it simply slipped through. *) He already started and did tons of commits. 1) https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Gentoo-keys