16.04.2014 07:28, Chris Reffett пишет: > All, > The monthly QA team meeting will be tomorrow, Wednesday, April 16, at > 1900 UTC in #gentoo-qa. The current agenda can be found at > https://wiki.gentoo.org/index.php?title=Project:Quality_Assurance/Meeting_Agenda. > If you have a topic you want added, please reply to this email or poke > us in #gentoo-qa. As always, all are welcome to attend the meeting. Please, accept my apologies - i can not attend this meeting. Too busy with work(i have set away message, but i treat that as bad excuse), bug #507808 was filed today, but it should be filed long time ago. I can't beat current situation, will read meeting log and summary later :-( -- Best regards, Sergey Popov Gentoo developer Gentoo Desktop-effects project lead Gentoo Qt project lead Gentoo Proxy maintainers project lead