Today I introduce you to our newest* developer: Joining us from San Salvador, El Salvador (that's in Central America) is Victor "vostorga" Ostorga. Victor will be working with the Samba team, keep an eye on the maintainer-wanted packages and help with the treecleaners project. Victor's skills include bash, GTK, basic Python, and intermediate C. He also has experience in databases, both open and non-open source, like Oracle and PostgreSQL. He contributes to Slony Master, a "master to multiple slaves" replication system for PostgreSQL. There he does bug fixes, administrates the commits mailing list, and does other things in general. Furthermore, he is a member of the LUG "Grupo de Usuarios Linux de El Salvador", touches web stuff and infrastructure for them, and helps wherever he can. However, being in one LUG doesn't seem to be enough: He also founded the "Grupo de usuarios PostgreSQL de Centro America". He says that the guys at give them some space to put their mailing list and web stuff on. Apart from the technical stuff, Victor likes first-person shooter games, like openarena and Urban Terror. He even won an openarena tournament over there and got some problems at job because he used his real name. He says we shouldn't have to worry about him wasting time with playing because the machine he has for now doesn't run those games too well. Victor also likes traveling and "using open source as an excuse to do it", visiting other near countries, and would like to know Europe someday. He would also like to work and live in another country, and to know different people and manners. * Actually he is not our newest, but rather the third newest. That's because Denis and Petteri recruited some guys *after* I recruited Victor, but I failed to do the announcement in time. Best regards, Tobias